Lazy Afternoons

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A/n: Hey y'all! Sorry that I kinda fucking died for a quick lil' minute there! I'm back with a new chapter and a booming headache 😂👍
💛Anyways Enjoy ^>^💛

Third Person Perspective

They all had finished breakfast and were now just hanging outside. The children were playing, talking, and reading against themselves. All of them enticed in their own activities. Emma walked into the lounging area to see that Ray and Norman were talking happily amongst themselves. Seeing them together made her smile
A/n: The technical term for that is "compersion" . It basically is the opposite of jealousy and is a commonly used term in polyamory. Used to describe one feeling happy and joyful when seeing their partner(s) with other people whom their partner(s) are attracted to.

Emma wandered over to them and draped her arms around the back of the arm chair Ray was sitting in. She waited until they had paused their conversation to speak up.

"It's good to see that both are catching up." She said sweetly. The two boys looked over at her and grinned.

"We all should catch up," Norman said scooting over on the love seat to make room for Emma.

"What should we do to catch up?" Emma asked after sitting down. She looked over to Norman. He was thinking.

"We could play a game." Ray said quietly.

"What game?" Norman asked.
"I know a game we could play.." Emma spoke.
They all smirked at each other knowing exactly what the others were thinking.

Time skip

Ray threw his cards down on the table and took another 100.

"Rayyyy! How are you so good at monopoly?!" Emma groaned as she covered her face with her hands.

"I played with some of the little kids yesterday. I got pretty good at planning ahead."

"Strategy... "how could I forget." She said her voice soaked in sarcasm.

The three of them laughed as they continued playing and chatting.

"I missed this.." Norman spoke up.
Emma and Ray looked over at him.

"We did too, Norman." Ray whispered looking from Norman's face over to Emma's.
Emma looked back at him and smiled.

It was a great day.

Word count: 365
Heyyy so I'm sorry if this chapter was boring and short. I promise next chapter will be more interesting! My brain served me a big cup of depresso for a little while. But I'm doing my best and I will get another chapter up in a timely manner❤️

Stay safe y'all❤️
Love, Bee~

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