Chemestry Growing

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A/n: Hello! So to make up for what a short chapter the last one was, I thought I would update a little earlier to make up for it. I do happen to have February Vacation next week so I should be able to have more time for writing. Anyway! You guys are incredible and stay safe💛

Now, Enjoy💕

Third person Point of View

It has been just over a week since Norman had been reunited with his family and it was almost as if he had never left. He was still the same Norman they remembered, only now he was more aware and agile. And it also was as if he had lost a part of his innocence. He had seen things no child his age should've seen. But that was behind him now. He was with his family who he loved and had missed so much.

Norman had never been one to worry about feelings before they found out the truth about GraceField house he had been too young to know about love, and after they found out that was all he had ever thought about. But now that they were free he could finally think about those things with ease. He loved Emma, he passion and spurt, her recklessness and ambition, they way she loves things completely and love people for who they are. And he loved Ray, his kindness and bravery and how even though he seemed so tough and hard headed but underneath he knew how much he cared, everything he did he did because he cared, he loved his siblings and had worked for years just so he could save his family the people he loved. He's clever and smart, he knew how to think under pressure and was willing to die for his family. Norman felt so sorry for Ray, he had wanted to kill himself because of how much hope he lost and he thought that it was the only way to relate his internal pain. But he was more than grateful that Emma was able to stop him before it was too late.

It was after lunch time and the three of them had been off doing their separate activities, playing with the kids, Ray had been helping the younger kids dry off their hair after they had taken their baths. After awhile the three of them decided to let the kids do their thing and to spend some time together.

"Boo!" Ray shouted slinging his arms over Emma and Norman's shoulders.

"Agh! Ray!" Emma shouted laughing. Norman however just gasped before relaxing. The three  of them laughed for about thirty while seconds before settling down. They hadn't remembered the last time they laughed like that. As before they had reunited there hadn't been much to laugh about.

"I love you guys..." Norman breathed out. Quickly catching the attention of his two friends. "I can't remember the last time we all spent just enjoying each other's company, I never thought I would see you guys again until a week ago." He whispered softly.

"You have no idea how grateful I am that I get to be here right now, with you."

"We love you too Norman." Ray replied draping his arms around the taller boy. He leaned up and kissed his cheek as Emma followed.

Norman has to do everything in his power not to cry in that moment. It was gentle and stress free. They were all together, and nothing would ever separate them again.

"You have no idea how grateful we are that you're here, Norman. After you left to get "shipped" mom told us that you were dead. That no matter if we escaped or not that we would never see you again." Emma murmured as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"And even than I couldn't stop thinking about you, you were the only thing on my mind."

"Nothing could ever replace you, Norman. You're too special," she said after sitting up right to look him in the eyes.

He was at a loss for words, Ray grinned and only hugged him tighter. Emma wrapped her arms around both of them and pulled them close. He finally had broke. Warm tears rolled down his face. He was home, with his two favorite people.

I genuinely can't tell if this is sweet or cringy lmao. Anyway shit will get even "spicier" next chapter (not like that)

Word count is: 718
Annnnd yeah! I'm doing great, happy two days after Valentine's Day!

Also!! Please go follow me on Instagram @drawing_is_fuunn
And @ilikefrogs1296
Okay Bye!!!

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