"I can't believe I got so lucky that I get to exsist at the same time as you."

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A/n: What's shakin' bacon!? I hope you guys are doing good!

Third Person Point of View

Norman had never felt so giddy, he was currently cuddling with Emma and Ray both leaning on his shoulders. The three of them had been talking and giggling quietly for the past few hours and weren't even tired.

"I never said that you were stupid! I just said that you were an idiot.!" Ray announced a little louder than his talking voice.

"There's a difference!" He added giving Emma a little joining smile and eye roll.
Emma huffed and bite back a smile as she playfully punched his arm and crossed her arms.

"Well I suppose that makes it so much better then." She retorted, obvious sarcasm in her voice. Ray giggled and both Norman and Emma blushed.

The sound of his laugh was so endearing to them, like a wave of relief washing over them. It was lovely.

"It's nice when you laugh Ray," Norman said softly. He then leaned forward and pecked his lips gently. He meant it as a sweet gesture but also as a hopeful way of telling Ray that he liked him.

Ray blushed profusely and hid his face in his hands.

Emma chuckled and kissed his cheek before doing the same to Norman's leaving them both blushing messes.

Norman was just frozen in place out of shock, Ray was even worse than before Norman kissed him.

It was cute for her to watch.

"You guys are cute when you're flustered." She remarked with a grin.

They all giggled lightly before sitting in silence. It was nice.

"Hey guys?" Ray asked breaking the silence. "What are we?" He asked. They both gave him a look that deemed slight confusion with also the implication of understanding, it was a mix.

"I mean, what we together?" He followed up with a slight pause.

"What's our relationship status, what we to each other? Friends? More?" He added on, how voice slightly trailing off as he saw both of their faces clearly.

Emma spoke up.

"We're whatever we want to be, I think whether   if we're dating or not, we'll always be friends no matter what." She said sweetly with a smile.

The two boys swore they had to squint at her brightness, she really knew how to light up a room.

"I agree," Norman added looking over from Emma to Ray. Ray look over at him as well and smiled lightly.

"We don't have to put a label on it yet, we have all the time in the world, there's no rush."  Norman added before pecking Emma lips. She blushed and smiled, pulling the two into a loose but loving hug.

It was perfect and love-full.

And it always would be.

Word count: 474

You're great, that's all, like you're amazing, I love you more than crying in my bath tub while eating loose chocolate chips after a huge metal breakdown. That's a lot.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed!
Stay safe I love you!

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@drawing_is_fuunn and

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