Memories with You

16 1 0

Oct. 19 

// Julian Route, Book: The Star (spoilers?)
what can I say, Julian's my fave //


You and Julian Devorak stand in awe as The Star waves her finger & make magical water float around the lighthouse. 

Some pools of the enchanting water show Julian's & your memories together. One is when you two "first" met at the shop, another is when you were in the hidden garden, and another is when Julian "broke-up" with you at the Docks. 

Such crazy memories, full of mixed emotions. It's hard to believe how far you both have gone, how much you both have changed... And both of you are thankful to be here, together. 


// heyy, I've been thinkin of moving to AO3, and deactivating this account, maybe some time after finishing this Tarotober rewrite thing, just a personal preference. I've actually already made an account there :] //

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