Undead AU

19 1 0

Oct. 28 

// not rlly a story, just context for the zombie Zen [fan-apprentice] drawing // 


[copy-pasted from my tumblr side-blog :
https://majulian-dr-ilya.tumblr.com/post/188643566646/ ]

So uhh,,, Muriel route spoilers,,

after binge reading till midnight,All I could think of was that scene with Valdemarwanting my literal heart,And if you've known, worse stuff happened in canon,,, RIP......BUT WHAT IF —Lucio, succeeded, in ripping off MC's heart.

Let's say, MC has the ability to Do-Over, go back in time a bit (like 4th wall breaking and replaying the chapter) ,

and change what already happened (so sorry to ruin her heroic death- but hear me out- )

Valdemar being able to RAISE THE DEAD and do their bidding,,

Knowing MC's history and connections...What if,, MC becomes a zombie under Valdemar's control..(Oh the drama~) 


// I would write an actual fic about this,, but I'm not really into The Arcana anymore,,, :|

I'm just  tryna finish what I started at this point..
maaaybe I'll get back to it once I catch-up and re-read, idk // 

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