Chapter 9

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"Well thank you for coming Mrs L/n," Dumbledore said showing her to the door of his office, "Professor Snape will help you out to your broom."

We all – excluding the head master – walked out of the office to go show my mother out. My mother again walked ahead of me while Severus – that still feels weird to say – hung back behind her next to me, really close might I add. In-fact our hands were brushing against each other as we walked. I just knew that I was as red as a tomato.

{-----Time Skip to the main doors-----}

Goodbye Mummm! I yelled slightly as she flew away, the doors also began to shut as I finished yelling. I turned to look up at Severus.

"Why did you sit next to me?" he asked almost softly looking down at me.

"Um it just felt.. right?" I replied sounding like I was asking a question, "Why didnt you tell me to move Severus?" I said more confidently before realising what I called him.

"I- dont know Y/n." We both were staring right into each others eyes at this point. His tall figure inched closer and closer to my face. Before I knew it his lips were on mine and his arm was around my waist pulling me closer.

I was hesitant at first, it being my first real kiss and well it being with him, but then I kissed him back. We pulled apart for a second to breath before him taking me somewhere more private, his potions lab. He sat me on a desk to be at the same height and started heavily making out with me.

His tongue eagerly explored my mouth, he tasted of sweets and whiskey, it was amazing. His hand went to my covered thigh, not to high not wanting to do anything I didnt want. The session continued for a little longer but we stopped as dinner was about to start and Eliah would be suspicious and so would the Professors if we didnt show. I fixed my self up as much as I could before looking to Severus.

"So what does this mean?" I asked motioning between us.

"Well, what do you want it to mean?" he was cautious not wanting to ruin anything.

"Well I think its clear I like you back"

"Very," he smirked, "so Miss L/n would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me?" he laughed holding his hand out.

"Of course, Who else would I use our extra trips with?" I laughed softly back taking his hand. He pulled me in smiling to give me one last peck before letting me go to dinner. We left at slightly different times as to make it seem like we werent just together.

I got to the hall and found Eliah.

"Where have u been!?" she yelled slightly turning towards me, "Your meeting with dumbledore ended ages ago!"

"I just got a little side tracked," I replied seeing Severus walk in.

"Why are you all messed up?" she asked, I didnt reply as I was looking at Severus softly not realising she had asked me anything.

"OMG WHERE U WITH HIM!?!?!?" she screamed seeing where my eyes were pointed. She might of said it a little to loud as everyone in the great hall looked at her confused. She muttered a sorry to everyone as they turned back to their food. Tell me everything! she said much softer.

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