Chapter 5

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Severus POV

And those people are. Y/n L/n and Professor Snape! Dumbledore shouted. I didnt want to let go of Y/ns hand but I had to. I dont know what is coming over me! Im not normally like this with anyone! Just something about Y/n makes me feel weird inside. I cant explain it. As Dumbledore said we won I smiled, but only on the inside. I looked at Y/n and she smiled wildly at me. I guess she was excited? Excited to have extra time with me, the greasy git? No, she must just want those 9 days off. Yeah thats all.

Your POV

The professor had let go of my hand that I didnt realise that I was still holding. I think I visually shuttered maybe not either way I felt myself shuttering. I looked at him after Dumbledore said that we won. I was very excited. Not only do I get 9 DAYS OFF SCHOOL I also get to have extra hogsmead trips! With the Professor. I mean I might, maybe, just a little, tiny, itty bitty, huge crush on him, I mean though hes my teacher, and Im just his (sorry theres some body shamming here but then no more) ugly, fat dumb student!(thats over) Ok maybe I over reacted there but its true it cant work IM HIS STUDENT FOR MERLINS SAKE! I started shaking really bad, then I felt light headed. Thats all I remember before everything went black.

Severus POV

I could see Y/n suddenly start intensely thinking about something. She almost looked like she was screaming at herself. She just started shaking really bad. Then she just fainted. I acted quickly and lunged forward to catch her.

I heard a lot of gasps. Im not sure if that was because Y/n fainted or because I caught her. I was very worried about her so I picked her up bridal style and sped walked with long strides to get to the hospital wing.

As soon as we got the I carefully put her on a bed and yelled for Poppy and she rushed out from her office.

What happened Severus?! she questioned me. I was over next to her bed in the chair. With my hand on the bed, about a centimetre from her hand.

Im not one hundred percent sure poppy, she started to look like she was intensely thinking about something . Im not sure what obviously. But then she suddenly shaking really bad. Poppy whats wrong wi- she cut me off, Severus shes fine. Calm down she has just had a anxiety attack. Shes fine Severus stop worrying. By the way Severus, She paused. Oh no whats she going to say?! I know you have feelings for this young lady. Its ok. Im fine with it, but if she starts to like you, you have to tell Albus, ok? I was confused. I had to say something back. I-uh-er. Yes Maam! I managed to say back. I couldnt think.

Your POV

I was in the – well I dont know where I was because my eyes were closed- where ever I was, I was in a bed, and it was warm. I could feel presence right next to my hand. I could also hear talking coming from two people. Not sure who they were but there was a velvety voice that sounded familiar but more I dont know how to explain it softer? I dont know but they were talking about me I know that for sure.

- but then she suddenly started shaking really bad. Poppy whats wrong wi- Poppy oh! I know! Madam Pomfrey! Ok but whos the other person? Severus shes fine. Calm down she just had a anxiety attack . shes fine Severus stop worrying. By the way Severus, She paused. Wait whos Severus? I feel like Ive heard that name before but where?

[----- Flashback oooooooohhhhhhhh-----]

Yes of course! Severus, I get to chose the pairs so, is there someone special you would like to be paired with? Dumbledore said suggestively, any Professors perhaps? Any student that does well in class?


Her? Who?

None of your lemon sherbets!

Fine I will just pair you with one of your best students in potions then. No choice. He replied calmly.

Fine but who might that be?

You will see. He then started humming.

Fine, Albus. Goodnight.

What? I heard footsteps getting closer so I hid. I saw Professor Snape!

[-----End of flashback oooohhhhhh-----]

Thats it! Severus is the Professor!

I know you have feelings for this young lady. Its ok. Im fine with it, but if she starts to like you, you have to tell Albus, ok? I was confused. M-me? He h-has f-feelings f-for m-me?! I- uh-er. Yes Maam! I chuckled in my head I havent heard him that scared ever!

I started to move around a little. I think they noticed.

Miss L/n? Are you awake? Madam Pomfrey questioned.

H-uuh o-o-oh y-yeah. I answered through a yawn.

HOW MUCH DID YOU HEAR!?!?!?!? the Professor asked loudly and quickly>

A-a-a lot I replied shyly and trailed off.

I – er ummm. He trailed off and began to leave, but stopped at the door – by this time Madam Pomfrey had already gone to her office – and turned around.

No! P-Please dont! I whisper shouted as I was getting off the bed – I felt fine maybe a little weak in the legs – he stood there staring at me and began slowly walking back. As I had gotten quite far from my bed and I couldnt hold my weight anymore he picked me up bridal style and took me back to the bed. While he sat in the chair.

A/N: hey sorry for not uploading but yeah how is this so far please give me positive feed back um comment and vote and this chapter was about 1000 words yay! oh and yeah I had to rewrite some of this because it didn't save...Yaaaayyy :( EDIT: OOOMMMMGGGG GUYS THANKS SOOO MUCH FOR 39 READSSS IMMM SOOOOO GREATFUL it might not seem like much but I was expecting literally 2 buttt yaaaaaayyyyyy

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