Chapter 6

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A/N: everyone you should listen to say you wont let go by James Arthur its good for this chapter and pretend that James (the person who sings this song) is Severus

Your POV

Miss L/n, I-

Youre free to go miss L/n when you are ready. Madam Pomfrey interrupted. Th-thanks! I did the only thing I could think of I bolted out of the Hospital wing. I ran as fast as I could to the common room- dumb idea, he is the head of house so he can go there- luckily Eliah was there I quickly congratulated her and she did too. Before I could say anything I collapsed from being tired.

When I woke up it was Sunday morning. There he was, staring at me confused.

Miss L/n ? he questioned. I just mumbled in reply. Why are u asleep in the common room? m-hm cuz,

We were the only ones in the common room because it was a Sunday morning. Are you ok? he asked looking around and actually sounding concerned. I mumbled again. Trying to sound reassuring that I was. When in fact I did not feel ok, AT ALL! I found out my teacher that Ive liked since day one likes me! I need to far, far away from him! Like right now! Somewhere he cant go!

I started to scramble up and slowly edge my way towards the girl dorms. Miss L/n you are not going anywh- he said I didnt hear it all because I again bolted away, I seem to be doing that a lot.

Severus POV

Miss L/n you are not going anywhere- she bolted away, AGAIN! She likes doing that. I noticed she was headed to the girls dorms, I guess she thinks I cant go in there. I mean Im not supposed to but Im head of house so I can do that if necessary, but Im just going to let her be.

Your POV

I ran up to the girls dorms knowing he cant go up there. Then it hit me! Eliah doesnt know a thing about what I heard or that the Professor that I like, likes me! I mean I told her ages ago that I like him. Ok I didnt tell her she forced it out of me.

I got up there and told Eliah everything. From me in the hospital wing and hearing everything to waking up in the common room with him staring at me. Just EVERYTHING.

Y/N WHAT HE LIKES YOU?!?!?! FOR REAL?!?! She screamed at me. I got a little pushed firm grasp on my wrists. Y-yes thats what I said!

OMGGGG WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO?! I was confused I didnt know what to do. So I just told her that. I-I dont k-know thats why Im coming to you! Youre the love expert! So HELP! I needed her help really bad but I knew there could never be anything because he is my teacher.

Oh um get close to him or s-something I dont know I deal with students and students not student and professor situations so I dont know!

UGHHH!!! Eliah how am I a student get closer to a professor?!?!

I dont know!

{-------Time skip a week forward brought to you by my doggo-------}

I have potions right now with Eliah today, again, but Severus isnt here something about him being sick. I dont know. I wasnt really paying attention to the Professor his name was something like Professor Chex or something. I knew we were making Felix Felicis (A/N: ok please pretend that Felix Felicis doesnt take 6 months to make. Oh and um dont judge on how I pretend I know how to make it I can make it how I want hehe) I know how to make it and the dangers so im fine.

3rd Person POV

Y/n thought- key word thought- that she knew the dangers to make it. But little did she know she didnt.

A/N: um sorry I took so long to update like I said before I know what I wanna write but can write it so yeah plz vote and comment plz leave constructive criticism thx um this was about

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