Chapter 11

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I woke up confused as I felt strong arms wrapped around my waist. Then I remembered last night and turned over.

"Morning baby," He smiled looking down at me, "I didnt want to wake you."

"I wouldnt of minded," I smiled, "As long as it was for you."

"So were going this after-noon if thats ok with you?" He asked referring to our date. I muttered a 'mhm' before trying to snuggle back into his chest. "No Y/n, as much as I love you, weve already missed breakfast so we should get up, Miss Dove is probably wondering where you are, and you need to get into warmer clothes before we leave."

"Whyyyyy, I just want to cuddle all dayyyyyy," I groaned sitting up.

"Well if you dont go you wont get to know what were going to do," He said between soft kisses on the back of my neck.

"Fine, only because I want to know what were gonna do, im a sucker for surprises," I turned around to look at him and saw him smiling at what I said. He got up and put his hand out to help me get up, before he could let go I pulled him close and kissed him. He laughed,

"If you wanted a kiss you just had to ask, he pulled me back in for a more passionate kiss, "Now go, that Eliah girl is probably worried sick and you might want to see her before she leaves."

"Fine, love you," I gave him a quick kiss before grabbing my robe and leaving.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Eliah yelled grabbing my shoulders and shaking me.

"Long story," I laughed taking her hands off me, "It starts with S and ends with E."

"Oooooooo," she teased.

"Remember im staying here for Yule this year so dont get to lonely," I reminded her smiling still.

"Yeah I know, you want to stay with your boyfriendddd."

"Hes not my- well actually I guess he is, isnt he?" I realised.

"Well, yeah. I mean you two made out heavily and you just slept together, I dont think students and teachers do that together normally."


"Has he told you what your going to be doing yet?"

"No but were going in a few hours. Talking about going, shouldnt you of left already?"

"Yeah but I wanted to make sure you were ok first but now I should probably run to get there on time." She replied starting to grab her chest of stuff she had packed earlier.

"Byeee, love you!" I yelled as she ran out of the dorms.

"Love you too, happy Yule!"

{-----Small time-skip-----}

It was almost time to go down to Hogsmeade, Sev was just finding a coat while I sat on his bed.

"Can you tell me now?" I whined.

"No baby, be patient were going now," he replied putting his coat on and interlocking our fingers. I pouted and gave him a kiss.

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