1 ~ Race

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Kim Seokjin, 28, only son of Korea's richest CEO. He was into racing, he always wanted to become a racer. He own a Chevrolet Corvette, Ferrari 812 and Audi R8 that he likes to drive them alternatively. He loves his cars and his Yamaha FJR1300 more than anything else. Probably more than his family..?
He's a born racer, tall and handsome. He has everything you look for in an sportsperson. And other than his many talents, comes his looks. His handsome face which brings all the girls in his yard. Not just girls, but everyone.

Today was one of those days when he ditched his dad and his work as ceo's son to have some fun with his childhood bestfriend, his best mate. Min Yoongi.
Both mates have a lot in common, including their love for speed. But unlike Jin, Yoongi was a successful businessman. Working like his partner in Seokjin's father's company.
Meanwhile Jin has zero interest in work and buisness. But ofcourse, he was forced to work all these years in the company by his father.

"Are you ready?" The official starter asked both men as they stood there on their rented racing track, sitting on their bikes with their helmets on. She waved the white flag she's holding and the race starts.

Yoongi has upgraded his bike specially to win this race. Jin has won 5 times already in this month, Yoongi can't afford to lose this time. Even though this competition was purely for their own entertainment and they both had no harsh feelings towards each other when it comes to racing. But both the men were very passionate about winning the race. Even if there was no prize.

Yoongi's bike was faster today, thanks to the new upgraded engine. But Jin was determined to not lose. He was the best racer in Seoul. Only if his father had allowed him to pursue this career. He'd be the best racer in the world. Seokjin increases his speed, trying to overtake Yoongi. And he successfully did it but now he was riding that bike on dangerously high speed. They both were supposed to take 3 rounds of the track. The first one to complete will win. Jin was on his last round and he was almost about to make it. But he didn't notice some pebbles on the track and his bike overturned. He fell and sprained his wrist.

"JIN!!" Yoongi screamed. He stopped and ran towards his bestfriend. "CALL THE AMBULANCE!" he told the starter.

"No.. I'm fine.." jin said getting up, sitting on the track. He took out his glove and moved his wrist "I think I sprained my hand.."

"How did this happen?" Yoongi asked.

"I didn't notice those pebbles on the track." Jin said as his friend helped him get up.

"Let's go to the hospital." Yoongi said.


Jin was at the hospital, getting bandage before going home. He had a bruise on his hand now. They took an x-ray of his wrist to double check in case the injury was serious. But his hand wasn't hurting that much. They both were about to leave when Jin received a call.

"Hey Hana." Jin said answering his phone. Kang Hana, 27, Yoongi and Jin's friend from middle school. Her mother was a child specialist and a famous women's club owner. Seokjin's mom has been trying so hard to get the membership but Hana's mom never really liked her.

It was not a lie, everyone who knows Kim Kyunmi, Jin's mother, knows how selfish and arrogant she is. Totally full of herself. Whereas Jin's father, Kim Hyunwoo, might be strict but he has a heart of gold. And the saddest part is, even Hyunwoo knows the reality of his wife.

Seokjin was not just any friend to Hana. He was the one and only love of her life. She had the biggest crush on him since childhood and almost anyone could tell it by the way Hana treats him. She cared for him more than his own mother. And after Yoongi, Hana was the friend jin spend most of his time with. She grew up watching him have few relationships with some girls. But she never had the courage to express her feelings into words. Everyone said Jin only takes Hana as his friend and it was the only reason that always breaks her spirit everytime she wanted to confess.

"Where are you? You were supposed to pick me up an hour ago." Hana said on the call. Jin had promised her to go shopping with her. She wanted to buy new clothes and jin would always accompany her because she wanted to wear his choice. Not like she told him that but she lied that she has poor dressing sense.

"I'm at the hospital." Jin responded "I'm sorry, I don't think I can make it."

"H-hospital?!" Hana said, freaking out. "What's wrong?!"

"Nothing, I sprained my hand earlier today." Jin told her. By this time they were already in yoongi's car as he was taking him home. "I'm going home now, don't worry I'm absolutely fine. I'll talk later!"

He was too stressed right now to talk with her. He knows that the staff from their rented tracks with report about this to his father. No matter how many times he tried to bribe them, his father's employees were very loyal. And he was once again in trouble. Not only his father will give him a long lecture now. But he will also punish him by taking away his cars and bike keys. Indeed, those items belong to him but he had purchased them on his father's money. And Hyunwoo takes away his most precious things everytime to punish him. Seokjin was a grown man, what else can his father even do to teach him a lesson.

"Thanks, I'll see you later." Jin said thanking his bestfriend as he got off his car.

"Don't forget to tell me about the drama!" Yoongi said, talking about the lecture jin was going to receive now. "You know I love the drama."

"Shut up." Jin said making an annoyed yet tired face. Yoongi laughed and left. Driving to his house after dropping his friend.

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