2 ~ Accident

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"Oh my god, what happened to your hand son?!" Kyunmi, his mother said as soon as she noticed that big long bandage wrapped around his wrist.

"Nothing serious mom, it was just a small accident." Jin responded sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Accident? And you're telling me it's not serious?" Kyunmi said panicking.
"Ms. Betty, please bring him some herbal tea." She told the head of all servents in their huge house.

"No, not that tea. I hate that flavour." Jin said making a yucky face "please bring me coffee instead."

"Sure!" Ms Betty said smiling and left to the kitchen, to make his favourite finca el injerto.

"Jinnie!" Ara said coming out of her room. Kim Ara, 21, only daughter and Seokjin's younger sister. Poor girl, she had permanently injured her spine few years ago in an accident. And now she's spending her life on a wheelchair. After her incident, Jin's parents spend their days and nights in terror. Because jin loves racing and it scares them.
"Are you okay?"

"I am fine, ara. You guys don't have to worry. My hand is absolutely fine, look!" He said moving his hand.

"Jin! Stop that. Put your hand down, you need rest." Kyunmi said.

"Go back to your room!" She told her daughter. After her accident, kyunmi's behaviour towards her has changed. As if Ara was a burden to their family. She treated her own daughter badly, coldly. But her brother and father loves her a lot. "You've started troubling your brother as soon he came home. Can't you see? He's hurt! Why are you making him move his hand."

"Mom, please!" Jin said slowly to his mother.

"Go back to your room Ara!" Kyunmi said.

"This is also my house mom, I also live here." Ara said "I can stay in the living room without your permission."

"Ms Betty!" Kyunmi yelled, making Ms Betty run out of the kitchen. "Take her inside her room."

"There's no need for that. I can go myself." Ara said turning her automatic wheelchair and going back inside her room.

"What was the need to do that, mom?" Jin said "she can't stay inside her room all the time. Let her do whatever she wants to."

"Son, at least you shouldn't say that to me. Do you even know how stubborn she's becoming?" Kyunmi said "she's forgetting all her manners. Have you seen other daughters talk like this to their mothers? I'm doing this for her own sake."


"Jin, Mr Kim is calling you to the study room." Ms Betty came and said. His father was working from home since last few days. His health condition has drastically reduced, getting worse. So he was working from home nowadays.

Jin got up and went to the study room. Before going in, he took off his bandage and shoved it inside his pocket. He didn't want his father to see it. In case the staff didn't inform him about the accident, he would find out after seeing his hand. He pulled his sleeve, covering his bruise and knocked on the door before opening it.

"Dad, you called for me?" Jin said getting inside and standing infront of the desk.

"Where have you been?" Kyunwoo asked, writing something in his notepad. "We had an important meeting today. Why didn't you attend?"

"I'm sorry dad.. something urgent came up suddenly.." Jin responded.

"Urgent? So now missing important company meetings to do your stupid activities is urgent matter!" Kyunwoo said, raising his voice. "When are you going to learn! These cars and bikes will do nothing good for your family. You need to work hard to feed your family! I'm sick of this."

Jin lowered his head, clenching his fist.

"That's enough, I can't wait anymore. You are slipping out of my hands." Kyunwoo said "I'm going to look for a girl and get you married."

"What?!" Jin said "you can't force me to do everything you want. You wanted me to study in London, I did. You told me to not become a racer, I did. You wanted me to do engineering, I did that too! Now you want to get me married? Sorry dad, I won't do that!"

"You have left me with no choice. How long will you take to understand your responsibilities? Do you think I will be here to save you everytime?" Kyunwoo said "you will get married and that's my final decision! You need to take over my position then."

"Do whatever you want but I am not getting married." Jin said crossing his arms, getting angry.

"Then leave this house." Kyunwoo said standing from his seat. Jin was so angry right now. His mood was already off for not winning the race and now his father was back at it with a new obstinacy. He stormed out of the study room going to his own room. But he was stopped by his mother on his way.

"Jin, what's wrong?" She asked "why do you look so angry? What did your father say this time?"

"He wants me to get married!" Jin said.

"What?! That's nonsense, I'll talk to him, son." Kyunmi said, trying to calm him down. "You must be tired. Go and relax in your room. Leave this on mom."

"I'm telling you mom, I will leave this city if he force me to do this!" Jin said before going to his room. Kyunmi saw him open his door and close it with a bang sound as he aggressively slams it.

Suddenly the door bell rang and a servent went running to open the main door.

"Hello aunty!" Hana said as she walked inside the house. She was here to see Seokjin after hearing about his accident. "how are you?"

"I'm good, dear." Kyunmi said greeting her with a hug, doing that fancy side kiss gesture.

"Where's Jin?" Hana asked as kyunmi offered her a seat in the living room.

"He's really angry right now. Maybe you should meet him later." She responded.

"What's wrong, aunty?" Hana asked. "Let me guess, uncle gave him a lecture again."

"This time, it's worse than just a lecture." Kyunmi said. "His father has caught new stubbornness. He wants Jin to get married."

"W-what? No, he can't get m-married yet." Hana said feeling triggered. Seokjin's marriage means she lose her chance. "I-I mean, I'm sure he's not ready to take such a huge step. Don't you think this is way too much in the name of punishment..?"

"I know, dear. I'm also against kyunwoo's decision. But what can I do..." Kyunmi said and then realised something.

"Hana! Will you marry my son?"

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