ch 17

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"... hana, your father and i need to talk to you about something."

hana sato froze on the stairs.

flashback one year ago

"hey hana, sweety we need to tell you something." hana heard her mom tell her.

"yeah what's up? why're we having a family meeting?" she joked, laughing.

"well actually, we have some news.."


"we're moving to america in three months."

"you're lying right." hana nervously chuckled.

"i'm sorry, i know you're happy here, but our jobs..." she explained.

"mom are you kidding? dad.. tell me it's a joke. you're joking right.. right?" you asked slightly tearing up.

"please don't cry hana, we didn't know this was going to happen." her mom hugged her.

hana pushed her away and ran to her room. they can't be serious. they said we'd be staying here for good!

"how am i gonna tell rin." she cried into her pillow.

a few days passed by, and hana still hadn't told suna, but he noticed something was bothering her.

"hey shorty. what's up." suna said walking up to hana in the hallways after school, he didn't have practice today.

"oh hey rin." she said, smiling up to the boy.

"what's wrong?" he asked the girl.

hana stopped and started tearing up.

"hey hey hey what's wrong, don't cry, you can tell me." he hugged her, stroking her hair.

"rin, i'm moving to america in three months." she sobbed into his chest.

"y-you are?" he asked in disbelief.

"and i don't wanna go, and i don't wanna leave you or atsumu or osamu or the volleyball team or aiko or anyone here." she hiccuped.

suna stood quietly, hugging the smaller girl. he didn't know what to do, or say. the girl he loved was leaving.

"are you sure you have to leave? there's no way out of it?" he whispered to her.

"no i'm so sorry." she tightened her grip on his shirt.

"oh. hey let's go to my house?"

she nodded.

when they got to his room she was engulfed in a hug from suna, collapsing on her on the bed.

"i'm really sorr-" hana started. "shh let's just enjoy the moments we have with each other" he interrupted. she smiled, nodding into his chest.

they soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

**i recommend listening to My Kind Of Woman by Mac DeMarco**

the months after that passed by quickly, suna and hana sticking to each other like glue. they had dates almost everyday, trying to spend every minute with each other that they could.

the last week in japan, hana was getting sadder and sadder as the day got closer to her flight. and soon the day was already here.

the twins and suna met with her at the airport right before her flight.

"we're gonna get on the plane already, don't take too long." her mom told her daughter.

hana nodded and turned around to her friends, and boyfriend. osamu spoke up first.

"make sure to send a post card." osamu hugged you, making you laugh.

"i'm gonna miss ya a ton, don't forget about me okay." atsumu winked at the girl, she rolled her eyes. "how could i." they both laughed.

she walked to suna.

"rin i'm going to miss you so much." she said, her voice cracking slightly as she held onto him as tight as she could.

a few tears slipped from his eyes, "i'm going to miss you even more shorty." he chuckled sadly.

"i think that's the first time sunas ever cried." atsumu whispered to osamu, but it didn't go unheard to the couple 

"oh shut up atsumu." suna rolled his eyes.

"yes you did i just heard you!" "no you didn-" "you are really loud tsumu." "oh shut up samu!" the three argued.

he looked down to hana who was watching the argument with a sad smile. i'm going to miss this, she thought.

"we'll get going, and let you guys do your thing." osamu said. the twins said their goodbyes and left.

she looked back up to suna.

"please don't forget about me, okay hana?" he asked her, planting a kiss on her lips.

he took her hand and gave her a small locket with a picture of them in it.

she kissed him back, letting a few tears fall down her face.

they made eye contact for a few seconds, "i love you so much." he spoke up, his voice cracking.

"i should thank you," she said, the boy looked confused, "you made me feel welcome everywhere we were together. i remember the first time you slept over, i told you that you felt like home. and you still do. so thank you." they were both crying at this point. he hugged her.

"goodbye rintarou, i love you."

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-authors note-
surpriseeee shawwwtyy🤗
thank you to everyone who stuck around while i wrote this story and to everyone who's read it! sorry if it was a bad ending i genuinely don't know lol. stay safe, wear a mask, and once again thank you for reading <3333

home | suna r.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora