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7:00 a.m.

hana rolled out of bed, dreading the day ahead of her. as she waited for her shower to warm up she decided to brush her teeth and grab her uniform. the skirt looks a little small, she thought to herself.

after the shower, she decided to curl her hair and let her bangs hang loose down her face. she put on the uniform, and her suspicions were correct, the skirt was to short for her comfort.

it wasn't so short that her butt was hanging out or anything, but she wouldn't have minded it being an inch or two longer.

she checked the time on her phone. 7:30, i have thirty minutes i'm good, she thought triumphantly.

"good morning mom, dad." she greeted her parents. "morning." her dad said while flipping through a magazine and sipping his coffee.

she made herself breakfast and by the time she finished it and ate it, it was almost 7:45.

"ive gotta go bye!" you told your parents. "good luck have a good day!" they shouted at you as you walked out the door.

the highschool was about a five minute walk, so she put on some music and started to walk. this'll give me enough time to find my classroom and be early, she though smiling over so slightly.

finally reaching the school, she walked to the office. she received a couple stares here and there, but she didn't really mind.

"hi young lady what can i do for you?" the receptionist at the desk asked. "hi i'm a transfer student and i was wondering if i could get my schedule?" she asked her.

"you're hana sato right? i've heard about you, moving all the way from england. that's fun!" she said while printing out the paper. "well here you go, let me know if you need anymore help." she smiled.

class 2-1 huh, i knew i wasn't that smart but seriously?? she thought to herself not paying attention. she snapped out of her thoughts when someone flicked her forehead.

"ow who the hell?" she looked up and saw osamu smirking. "oh hey osamu." she said rubbing her forehead.

"pay more attention you almost ran into me again." he said and the latter rolled her eyes. "yeah yeah whatever. what class are you in?" she asked him. "2-1." he said laughing. "no way! i am too!" she said laughing along.

she couldn't help but notice the stares the two were getting as they walked down the hall.

"why is everyone staring?" she asked more quietly. instead, someone behind her answered.

"it's because mr. osamu miya is quite popular. isn't that right?" suna said with a smirk on his face. "oh shut yer face suna!" osamu answered back.

i guess that does explain the stares. you thought. suna informed hana and osamu that he, too, was in class one but that atsumu was in class two. "oh that sucks." hana said.

"hell no it doesn't! he's so annoying!" osamu said. "i heard that shit face!" she heard atsumu say behind them.

much to her surprise there was a group a girls following him, trying to get his attention. how does a high schooler even have fan girls?? she thought to herself.

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