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y/n pov:
i jolt up as i wake up in a cold sweat as i try to stop hyperventilating and try to put myself to together i'm trying to think of other things when my mind goes somewhere that almost immediately calms me down, kyotani he's the only thing i could think of and it worked it actually worked maybe he's like my soul mate "NO Y/N STOP THINKING LIKE THAT" i have to stop myself because last time i thought like that it didn't turn of well for me hell it's the reason i have these stupid nightmares

i woke up in a dark cold room no ones around i feel a chain around my leg it feels like i'm in this thick darkness forever , then i hear a large metal door creak open i shoot up from my sleeping position and crawl into a corner hoping they don't see me however it is , that's when whoever has been walking down the stairs comes out from the darkness and turns a light on. the room i'm in is a square room about 8x8 room looks like a basement but it has an almost jail type of feel to it

i look at the chain on my leg and it's a short chain only letting me go about 11 inches in from of me , i'm spectating the room not even notice the person who did this to me , as i look
i feel a pit in my stomach, my boyfriend kaito, the one i thought i would spend my life with, the one i thought would never do anything to hurt me , the boy i though could never hurt a fly, he kidnapped me , i feel myself start to cry when he gets closer he ask me what's wrong, i scream at him "YOU FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME WHAT DO YOU THINK IS WRONG STUPID BITCH" he looks hurt " y/n we love each other don't yell at me like that we're gonna grow old together we're gonna have 10 kids but y/n you have to come to your sense and love me like you used you "

i stare crazily "I WOULDVE LOVED YOU , I COULDVE LOVE YOU , I WOULDVE DONE ALL OF THAT WITH YOU BUT YOURE FUCKING CRAZY, LET ME GO PLEASE" i start to cry uncontrollably" until i hear a loud knock on the door kaito whips around he whispers "fuck" he runs up the stairs and opens the door faintly i hear "hi this is the tokyo police we have a search warrant please let us see your downstairs" kaito gets angry "SEARCH WARRANT FOR WHAT I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING"

the police man tries to calm
him down "mr kaito please calm down as long as there is nothing down there you have no reason to be angry" kaito calms down so he doesn't raise suspicion he then sighs and says "fine office you can go down with a smile" i think he forgot the police man had a gun bc then he pushed him down the stairs luckily the police man catches himself at the bottom and calls for backup i hear screaming up stairs and gunshots and i'm still crying and the police man is trying to calm me down it doesn't work i still feel unsafe when he finally tells me it's okay to go upstairs i see my parents and they're crying putting on a show for the cops i start crying even more because i know they hate me


by the time i get done think about the situation that happened not even a year ago it's 6:30 meaning i have 30 minutes to get ready for school after i brush my teeth take a shower and start my walk to school i see a familiar face when i realize who it is my heart drops it's kaito why did they let him out of jail why did they let him roam the streets i run the other way to get away from him i take out my phone as fast as i can almost dropping it i call the only person i know to calm me down

kyo please
answer as fast
as you can
i need you rt now

yea y/n what's

can you meet
me rn
*sends current location
i just saw s-someone
f-from m-my past

y/n i'll be there
soon try and calm
down ok?

kyotani pov:
after i get that text from y/n i run as fast as i can to her location when i find her she's crying i ask her what's wrong, but i don't know how to comfort people so i just rub her back as i feel her calming down i ask again "y/n please tell me what's wrong"
she starts to breathe heavy as she tells me everything that happen in the past few months , i start to feel my blood boil as i grab her hand we walk to school in silence i tell her i'll see her later at practice i can barely contain my anger , as the day goes on i feel my anger start to go down by lunch i'm just happy i can see her yes i said happy she makes me feel happy an emotion i haven't felt in a long time, she makes me feel so much without realizing it i'd do anything for her she's my soulmate my feelings for her are like a labyrinth a never ending maze of emotions they all hit me at once like a tsunami

a/n: sorry if this chapter is sad i came up with it this morning
word count:968

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