our first date

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as i'm walking to sixth period after lunch all i can think about is y/n she's so perfect she's everything i've ever wanted in a girl even though i've never really thought about girls much she's just shown me she's what i've been looking for without knowing it we're been together for about a week now and today is the day i'm going to ask her on a date

i'm scared because she might say no because of her parents i don't want to meet them yet because it's only been a week and i know how they are... and i'm afraid that if i do meet them i'll lash out on them from how angry i will get from knowing everything they're done to her , i don't think i'll be able to control myself around them just yet

it's practice only thirty minutes until i ask her the whole team knows bc i needed help on where to take her luckily for me there's a carnival opening up by my house so i can take her there for our first date. before i can even notice practice is over and it's time for me to ask her. i ask her if i can help clean up after practice. she says yes with a smile which kickstarts something in my brain that's been happening a lot around her

it's like an adrenaline rush as everyone leaves i start helping her clean up after we're finished cleaning up she start putting her bag on and putting her headphones in to walk home but before she can finish doing that i put my hand on her and say "y/n will you go on a date with me to the carnival" rapidly and stumbling over words. she looks at my weirdly not understanding what i say she looks at me and says "repeat that for me kyo"

i sigh because it's gonna be even harder to say it slower to her "y/n will you please go on a date with me to the carnival" she deadpans which makes my heart drop but right after she smirks and says "aw does mr.hothead have a crush" i make a straight face and say "y/n were literally dating"  she laughs and says "yes i know that i'm just teasing you kyo and yes i will go to the carnival with you what day and time" i smile to myself and say tomorrow and you can come to my house after school and we'll leave whenever we want" "ok kyo i'll ask my parents"

i say that knowing i won't ask my parents it's not like they'll care anyways i always leave for hours at a time and almost never get in trouble unless they've been drinking but i can contain my happiness and want to spend as much time with kyo right now so i say "kyo wanna walk home together" he says "of course but are your parents home"

me understanding what he's trying to say i state "no kyo i made sure i know how you feel about them" "ok then let's go" we start walking to my house in a comfortable silence until he breaks it saying "hey y/n did oikawa already tell you about the date" smiling i say "of course he did he tells me everything except about you asking me out" he rolls his eyes before saying  "ugh why does he have to be such a blabber mouth" 

"because he's cool like that unlike someone" i say hitting him with my elbow he laughs before acting shocked and hurt "i'm cool y/n" i giggle before saying "sureeeee keep telling yourself that" i was surprised for a second because when kyotani laughs which is a pretty rare occurrence it's the best thing ever but on top of that he showed more emotions other than anger and just "😐"

we finally make it to my house as i'm walking up the steps to the door to unlock it i feel a hand grab my arm and i'm pulled into a kiss by kyotani , kyotani is the type that will try to kiss me any place any time just to let everyone in the room know i'm his he's the type to hold my hand everywhere because even he sometimes gets embarrassed because "it ruins his reputation of a hot head" and "makes him look like he has a soft spot for someone"which he does with two people me and iwa.

783 words
hi it's been awhile i felt like i owed you guys lmao anyways hope you enjoy :)

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