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i wake up at 5am to get ready for morning practice i lowkey get excited to see kyotani but i push those thoughts aside as i groggily walk to the shower when i get out i hurry and put on my uniform and get my tracksuit for after school practice and head out the door as i'm walking to school i listen to my playlist when "this side of paradise" by coyote theory comes on i start to smile really hard as i only think of kyo when i hear this song i'm so caught up in the song

i don't realize that i'm already at the gym i unlock the door and walk inside and for ten minutes i have peace and quite until i hear oikawas squeaky voice and i flinch a little by how whiney he is this morning by the time everyone's inside i'm already have my clip board and coach is telling the boys what to do , practice goes by really fast and as i'm walking to class kyo walks up to me and taps my shoulder i look at him and i notice his face soften

he mumbles under his breath "hey y/n can you help me with homework after schools?" i heard him of course but just to tease him i say "what was that kyo" he rolls his eyes and says it a little louder i say "of course kyo now go to class grrrr😡" he scoffs and walks away i let out the breath i was holding in to help my nerves around him and walk away to my class


i wait for kyotani to get out of the locker rooms because he's taking an unusually long time after another 5 minutes he walks out and asks me "who's house are we going to" i say at lighting speed "yours" he looks me in the eyes for what felt like 2 hours but was really 30 seconds he finally speaks and "okay let's go before my mom asks questions"

we walk in a comfortable silence until we get to his house he unlocks his door and we walk up to his room and it's not what i was expecting it was extremely clean and low key chill asf we sat at his desk and started doing work it was fairly easy because i took the class he was in last year and after abt 1 hour he asked me if i was hungry i obviously said yes he grabbed mine hand and pulled me downstairs and took me too his kitchen and pulled out chicken from the fridge i rolled my eyes because i honestly wasn't surprised

he put it in the microwave for thirty seconds then he jumped up on the counter and we started talking until the timer went off and the chicken was done he took it out and gave me a drumstick i only wanted one because i wasn't that hungry and i had my f/f (favorite food) at home but i ate my chicken quickly trying my hardest not to look at kyo so it wouldn't get caught staring but we meet eyes at one point

my hearts starts beating faster and i start to get nervous and i look back at my chicken when i hear him get up i don't look at him but i can hear him getting closer and closer and then he's right infront of me he's so close that i can faintly hear his heart it's a pace so quick that it feels unhealthy as i finally get the courage to look at him he pulls my face
into his and we kiss it took me a while to realize what was actually happening and when i do i melt into the kiss and i feel butterflies in my stomach

i loved this moment so much i wish it never ends the kiss is so passionate that i can't focus on anything but kyotani ive been waiting for this moment since i saw his face and it was finally happening and i couldn't wish for anything more but of course everything comes to an end at some point and sadly kyo pulls away i take a breath as i haven't that entire time i feel like i'm on cloud 9 after that i was expecting kyo to say something but he doesn't he just turns around takes my hands and we go upstairs i'm confused so i just sit down and then i say to him

"kyo what was tha-" he cuts me off and says "look y/n i like you like a lot i've liked you since the moment i laid eyes on you it's extremely confusing because i've never felt that way about anyone before and it makes me feel queazy please tell me you feel the same way i look at him don't say anything i just get up and walk out i know i like him but i just can't right now maybe in a few days but not now


i finally get to my house and i jump in my window and i see my dad sitting on me bed i sigh as i know he's going to scream at me and most likely hit me he starts asking about where i was and i what i was doing i open my mouth to speak but he tells me to shut my fucking mouth in his words and i start to feel tears well up in my eyes he doesn't care and tells me i'm acting like a little bitch and i need to grow up he slaps me in my face and he punches me in my legs a couple times i start to cry as he hit old bruises that
haven't healed all the way yet

he tells me to shut the fuck up again and go to bed and he slams my door and walks out of my room i cry for a few more minutes as my head starts pounding and i try my hardest to fall asleep after an hour or trying to fall asleep i finally do and i wake up with a splitting headache

word count: 1178

a/n: here a longer chapter for y'all just so you know it might be a little sad later on but i'll make up for it 😁

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