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when I woke up my head was pounding and my eyes were extremely puffy but I couldn't do anything about it so I just decided to wear my hair down to hide my eyes and I went to the bathroom and took an Advil and put on my uniform and went on my way to morning practice I saw Oikawa and Iwa they saw me and smiled I smiled back but they both seemed suspicious I told the boys to all get ready but something seemed off with everyone today I acted like I didn't notice because I didn't want to ask anyone but then Kyotani walked in and he seemed anxious that's when I knew something was very weird today so I stopped the practice because coach puts me in charge of morning practice

so I ask "are you guys, okay you all seem very anxious or ecstatic is there something I don't know about? " they all yell " no there's nothing you don't know about" I roll my eyes and say "whatever I'll figure out what's going on" they all go back to practicing and I look at the time  and it's almost time for class so i tell them all to go tot the locker rooms and get ready i wait for kyo outside becuase we always walk together but today he never came out of the gym so i get a little sad because i love our talks when we walk to class together but i act like it's fine when i get to class everyone's staring at me and i just sit down asking myself why is everyone acting so weird today.


Kyo's pov:

alright today's the day I'm going to asks her but I know I can't do it alone I call Oikawa and say "I'm gonna ask her out tomorrow at practice" there's silence for a while before Oikawa screams "KYO-CHAN I KNEW IT WAS GONNA BE SOON I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU I KNOW SHE'LL SAY YES" "thanks Oikawa we kissed you know but she went home right after it I think it made her uncomfortable" Oikawa chimes in and says " well Kyo you know what happened to her" I say surprised "wait you know what happened to her" yea she told me and Iwa a couple of days ago "what did iwa say" " oh him yea he was livid he was about to go find him it was pretty scary I've never seen him like that"  "I figured he'd be like that when she told me I didn't even know what to do I just grabbed her hand and dragged her to school I was so mad" "I mean if the girl I loved went through that I'd react like that too" I roll my eyes " I'm not in love with her oikawa"

" yes you do kyotani everyone on the team can see it, you've only ever listened to her and yahaba and the way you look at her, you look at her like she's the only thing that matters at that very moment you talk to her like you care about her problems and listen to her like no other noises are in the room, you love her kyotani stop acting like you don't"  " whatever oikawa maybe you're right please just help me" " don't worry kyo-chan I'll get the whole team on it to help you, wait how about we do it tomorrow at school" " thanks oikawa and don't make it weird" he gasps over the phone "do you think so low of me kyotani" "yes I do oikawa now bye just text the group chat"  "ok kyo-chan bye"

flashback  to after practice bc I'm lowkey lazy

y/n's pov

after practice, Oikawa grabs my hand and I ask "where are we going" he says "somewhere" in a cheery voice i'm getting irritated  but i see that he's pulling me to the nearest ice cream shop I get my favorite flavor and Oikawa gets a strawberry sundae after we're done eating our ice cream we talk about school and life really I finally ask what I've been wondering about for months, "Oikawa, when are you and iwa gonna stop playing and get together" he looks surprised and starts blushing and while rubbing the nape of his neck he says " what do you mean y/n-chan we don't like each other"

I look at him like he's stupid because what is he talking about " yes you guys do I see it when you guys look at each other it's funny seeing iwazumi's face when your fangirls are around he looks so jealous"  "y/n let's just act like this never happened" "whatever oikawa" after that he gets a text and says "well let's go y/n-chan" I say in confusion "where are we going" he says "somewhere" then he covers my eyes and I get surprised by this action and  try to take his  hands off my face but he won't budge we stop and he takes one hand off my face and opens the door he leads me into the gym and it's silent I'm confused at this point he takes his hands off my eyes and  it takes me a while to realize what was happening

when I did my emotions came over me and I ran I didn't mean to run but I did I to Kyo's arms and I whispered a simple yes I thought he was the only one who heard me but I was sadly mistaken they all heard me and everyone was celebrating Oikawa picked me up and started jumping all around there were so many things happening I was crying and laughing and I was a little embarrassed because I've only cried in front of three of the people in the room, after we all settled down there was a whole party for us and I knew Oikawa put it all together because he always does all most fo the team's parties and I still was so surprised by it all I'm just wondering how it all happened


kyo's pov:

                       oikawa's minions without y/n :(


hey guys its time

to put kyotani's and y/n's relationship party together




so what are we gonna do


I already got her a ring and a teddy bear






well when are we doing this






guys calm down oikawa's doing it all just don't

say anything to y/n and don't act weird



flashback end:

kyo's pov still

it was the next morning I was terrified of what was to come what if she says no, what fi she doesn't say anything that's even worse than no what if she runs away from me and everyone else, what if she likes kunimi, what if she like iwazumi, what if she likes watari or yahaba or matzukawa or OIKAWA!!! "shut up kyotani stop overthinking it's she likes you okay" I reassure myself I walk to school and during she's already there I look at her for two seconds before almost running out before I stop myself I know I can't because it'll seem suspicious nut I just can't face her and I know I won't be able to walk with her, but I notice everyone's being so obvious I almost scream because what the fuck is wrong with them I thought I was being weird but they're even worse, they aren't even the one's asking her out but then it happens she stops practice I knew they were being way too obvious I know she knows they were being too obvious

it was too much for me to bare I was about to just yell out right here right now telling her to be mine to had to stop myself it wasn't the right time I need that special moment when she runs into my hug and says yes she says and a really scary voice  even scary for me "what is wrong with you guys right now is there something I don't know about" we all scream "NOTHING" I mentally facepalm even more suspicious  she says "whatever" and we go back to practicing

time skip to when Oikawa and y/n are at the ice parlor

"guys is everything almost done,"  Kyo says anxiously Iwa tries calming him down by saying "yes everything is ready I just texted Oikawa so they should be on their way" Kyo sighs in relief and Oikawa knocks on the door and everyone rushes to their places then he opens the door and reveals him and y/n she takes a while to realize what's happening but when she does she starts crying and hugs me and she says yes quietly but loud enough for us all to hear her  and we all  start celebrating I feel so stupid now because all this time, all day I've been scared of her saying or her running when I reality she loves me as much as I love her I'm elated with the events that happened today and I never wanna let her go

a/n: I'm so sorry it took so long to put this out I will put one or two more chapters today also if my chapters start looking different or have no emojis it's because i got a computer for my birthday and I'm writing on there

word count:1533

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