Chapter 2

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Vic's POV:

Okay Kell always looks so cute when we are going out somewhere. He will always put on his best attire. Usually something along the lines of a blazer, an open shirt and some skinny jeans. Oh and the cherry on the top, a little bit of makeup. It just tops it off and he makes me feel so lucky. I just want to show him off to the world. Tell them 'this is my gorgeous boyfriend'. 

If only things were different. 

Kellin stops my train of thought as he walks into the bedroom where i am getting ready or more like, sitting and chilling currently. As I guess I'm dressed and ready looking pristine as ever, I sat myself up and pull him into my arms. That comforting scent of his cologne travels up my nostrils and I peck his head,

"You ready to go? I looked up a couple of places that we could go to for the night."

"Whatever you think will be best." He replies

"Alright lets get going then." I grab my jacket knowing that it'll probably get a lot colder later on in the night. The weather here was just so confusing. I grabbed Kells jacket for him too and helped him with putting it on. I didn't want him getting colder later on in the night.

We both said our goodbyes to the band and crew just saying we were gonna grab something to eat, Nothing two friends couldn't do together right? One of the crew asked if he could tag along but I insisted where we were going he wouldn't like the food there. Before he could ask anymore questions; we were out of the door. I waited till we were out of sight of the bus and grabbed my lovers hand, placing it in my jacket pocket.

"No worrying tonight alright baby, this is our night to just relax and have some fun."

Kellin's POV:

He winked at the end of that sentence which made me slightly cringe yet laugh at the same time. What was I gonna do with him. His attire didn't surprise me either. T-shirt, hoodie, jacket, baggy jeans and the fucking backwards cap. I don't know how old he though he was. Well that and he looks like a butch lesbian of some sort. He tells me it's not a fashion statement it's to keep his hair off his face. It's totally a fashion statement. You should see the collection of baseball caps that are scattered across most of our bus. I say he holds a world record probably.

I scan our surroundings, you know just in case if one of our friends has decided to follow us for some unbeknown reason. It doesn't seem like they have. What about fans who found our which tour bus was ours and were waiting for us to emerge from it so they could come and talk to us but now saw that me and Vic were holding han-

"Baby." I heard Vic mumble softly to me. "There is no one looking at us alright. Don't worry."

"I'm sorry."

"Hey. You don't need to be sorry Kells. I know you're just being cautious that's all. It's starting to get dark which means we will have less chance of being noticed."

He always knew how to put my mind at ease. I guess it's cause he's known me for a while now and knows my tendencies so he knows how to comfort me. We walked for a little while longer and sure as hell the sun was gone before you knew it. Okay that did make me feel a bit better. We stopped in front of what seemed to be a bar/restaurant. I raised a brow at Vic and turned to him.

"I heard good things about this place from people back stage so I got directions to it, this is okay right babe?" He asked, reaching up and brushing a hand through my hair.

"Yeah this is perfect." I give him a smile. Well we didn't know any other places in this town so this was gonna be our first and quickest choice.

Our hands dropped to our sides and Vic opened the door for me like the gentleman he was. I giggled at him and walked into this unknown place.

Circles- Kellic (Kellin Quinn X Vic Fuentes)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant