Chapter 3

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Vic's POV:

"This is nice isn't it honey?" Certainty laced that sentence.  This place really was gorgeous , the people back stage were right. Beautiful mahogany walls complimented with original paintings obviously done by someone local, maybe even the owner of this place. Oh my god... "Look at that fireplace back there. It's gorgeous." Yeah I know, I'm a sucker for things like this. Okay I am officially in love with his place. 

I placed my hand on the small of Kellin's back and guided over towards the two seats sat right in front of the fire, scooping up the menus that were place on a carved log shaped into a table made for drinks. The seats were huge velvet ones too. I laughed when I saw Kellin looking away from me, trying to hold back laughter. Yes, I know I probably look pretty silly due to my height but I mean on the grand scale I'm not even that small. Kellin just happens to be taller than me but he's a big softie honestly.

"You can laugh, I know you want to."

He glanced over his seat, I could see his shoulder jiggling. His silent laughs were so cute honestly. My heart thumped just a little faster for him. I leaned myself forward and grabbed my lover's hand pulling them closer to me so he would look at me.

"You look so handsome tonight." Aww. He's blushing, honestly he's the most precious thing ever. I just wanna kiss him all over the face. If only....

"Thank you." His emerald eyes met with mine just for a split second before he looked down at the floor.

"Anyway lets get some drinks and some food."

A little while after, some woman came to take our order. She was all smiles and kept looking over to Kellin trying to catch his eye, yeah good luck. Poor baby, it was so strange how confident he could be on stage then he would just hide in his shell whenever he was off the stage.

I was the one to tell this lady our food and drinks order. She nodded and wandered off. I kept checking our surroundings, they weren't many people in this restaurant which was nice. A couple of middle aged men just walked in, one catching my glance and giving me a small smile. A few words were shared to his friends then glances towards me. Okay cool, they recognised us. That was fine. It happened all the time so I just went back to paying my full attention to Kellin who was now rubbing his knuckles.

"So I found a place a couple blocks away from here. Some hotel with pretty good reviews. I'm gonna get us a room there tonight, we can do whatever you want. Kisses, cuddles or we can take it further...Anything you want."

Kellin's POV

Vic had now placed his hand on my thigh. My hand joined, sitting down on top of his as I smiled. Well we hadn't done anything in a while and maybe it could relieve some stress if I let Vic do what he was so desperate for. I could practically see him growing in his pants as he eyed me up. 

"I'll see how I feel later on." I just told him that just to leave in anticipation. He fidgeted about more and more. I think that if we weren't in a public place right now he might have just jumped on top of me. I could feel my face practically set on fire. His eyes weren't moving away from me now. He was like a predator ready to pounce on prey but before he could say anything the drinks were sat down in front of us.

"Thank you." Both of us said in unison, Vic's a lot louder than mine. Both drinks were alcoholic Vic insisted on it, it was bad cause I was much more of a light weight than he was. He knew that fact very well. He just wanted me to unwind and you know maybe...I just might...


A couple of drinks down and a plate of garlic bread, my eyes were rolling in the back of my head. I did feel a lot better now. Thanks Vic. I glanced up to him to see that bright smile on his face. He then grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me in for a deep kiss. His lips were so plush and smooth. He gave the best kisses and they were all reserved for me. That kiss must've lasted at least a solid 10 seconds before I heard a loud bellowing voice behind us and the flash of a phone.

"What the actual fuck, why are there a pair of faggots in this place!"

Oh shit...

Circles- Kellic (Kellin Quinn X Vic Fuentes)Where stories live. Discover now