Chapter 5

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Kellin's POV

"shh shh you hear my heartbeat?" Vic whispered in my ear obviously not wanting to startle my anymore. A comforting hand was placed at the side of my head while the other side was slowly pressed to Vic's chest. He cradled me in his arm as I choked on my sobs but tried to calm down for his sake I didn't want to irritate him with my constantly blubbering. Gasp after gasp, I felt the pressure soon come off my chest. I could breathe once again but didn't move, just listening to Vic's heart was so therapeutic. He always told me that it only continued on for me. Only me. I love him so much. He was willing to drop this whole band for me...but.. it wasn't the band without him. Fuck what were they supposed to do

"Baby, your breathings getting heavier again. Come on look at me." Vic moved my head so carefully as if it was made of glass. He pointed to his nose. Look there. He knew I couldn't make eye contact when I was like this.

Vic's POV

Poor Kellin's mind was spinning, down in his onw thoughts and I said, "hey, what's on your mind?"

"I think about my life without you and I start to cry"

And I said, "hey, it's alright. We'll make it. I love you and I'll never leave your side." That was a promise to him. Reassurance was all that he needed now. Well, that and a roof over his head. It had started to pour.  Hard. Pathetic fallacy much? Thanks mother nature. Hotels are cheap and there's one down the street. "Come on honey lets get you some place warm." Of course like the gentleman I was, I took my jacket off and put it over Kellin so he would get cold. He gave me a thankful nod and that was enough for me. I placed my hand on the small of his back and guided him down the street leading the way as he put my jacket on properly.

We walked in a comforting silence together, an arm still round Kellin. I just wanted him to know that he was safe. We walked past that god awful pub once again. I wish I had never suggested going in there or at least getting drunk while I was in there. What a fucking idiot you are Vic. Now it had cost you your band and probably given Kellin some sort of trauma. I kept us walking until someone shouted from behind us,

"Fucking faggots." A glass bottle landing beside me. You have got to be kidding me. These hicks just refused to leave them be. All of Kellin's being tensed right back up again, this was danger. I quickened the pace but they started following . We had to go...and quick.

Kellin's POV

You took my hand and we both start running. Both started running. What was Vic thinking?  "there's no place to go!" Another bottle and we both started running.  ((Yes I know that's not the actually lyrics but it needs to actually fit)). It didn't last long though, we could easily outrun those overweight homophobic dicks...We turned a corned and there was our saviour. A place to stay and hide for the night. I let out a vocal sigh of relief. This just made me feel better knowing they wouldn't find us here. 

Vic guided me in, still a tight grip on my hand. Almost too tight, it was kinda cutting off circulation but I knew he was worried. He kept me behind him in a protective manner as he booked a room for the night, exchanging a few words and notes with the receptionist before we were on our way again.

Well it was a bed for the night I couldn't be concerned about anything else right now. We were alone and safe. Vic sat me down on the bed, he was still obviously thinking about he was going to go round what had just happened cause he couldn't tell me a straight answer. All he would do was hug me and play with my hair. That was fine with me for now. To be honest I just wanted to forget even just for a little while...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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