Chapter 1

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The sky was blue, blurs of white zoomed by as an eagle tore through the sky, free as the wind. Houses down below looked like specks, if it weren't for the eagle's keen eyes. The eagle wasn't just flying, it was soaring. It let the wind take it wherever it may, it didn't care.
BOOM! Something exploded! No, wait, it was a shotgun! The bullet, searing upwards at top speed, went straight through the eagle's wing! It was falling helplessly, flailing through the air whilst the ground is coming closer by the second!!


Sophia jolted upright in bed and breathed a sigh of relief. "It was just a dream." She thought. Sophia looked at the clock, it was 6:30 and she was the only one awake. Unlike most girls her age, Sophia was an early riser- she woke up every day at 6:30 sharp, and she doesn't know why (considering she falls asleep at 11pm). It was as if her dreams worked as an alarm clock for her

"Well, time to get up again." She said in the flattest tone she could. If there was one thing Sophia hated, then it was getting out of bed and facing reality.

She slid out of bed, put on a blue t-shirt with a Chinese dragon on it, a pair of faded jeans, deep purple socks, and a pair of glasses. Just as she finished putting on a pair of sneakers, the alarm in her parents' bedroom went off. That meant it was 7 o'clock, that meant she has an hour to get ready.

She trudged to the bathroom, grabbed her toothbrush, squirted toothpaste on it, and brushed. While brushing, she stared into the mirror, hoping to see a change. But nope- it was the same hazel-eyed, brown-haired, fair-skinned girl she saw every day. Sophia longed to be different, she wanted to be unique, but above all- she wished every day that the world was different for the better. Considering all the trends and the things that kids know nowadays that they wouldn't have known in the previous decade, like swag and twerking, made Sophia wonder what happened to the world. Sophia found those things very annoying and ridiculously stupid, but what could she do?

Sophia ran downstairs quietly, so as not to disturb her sleeping brother, Alex. Alex was pretty much always mean to her, although there were times when he was nice to her and they were friends. But nevertheless, his hobby was finding the shortest thing he could say to annoy her. The last thing she needed was for him to wake up and insult her.

When she reached the bottom, she saw her mom was making breakfast for her (the usual- avocado on toast and an omelet).

"Good morning sweety, want some toast?" Her mom said, offering her a plate with toast and avocado. "Um, sure." She said, and took a bite.

Sophia's mom liked eating healthy, and tried to encourage her and Alex to eat healthy. She had dark brown eyes and long, curly brown hair that looked like Sophia's.

After a few bites Sophia left the table, grabbed her backpack,and headed out.

"Don't forget your lunch, sweety." She heard her mom call behind her.

She turned around, and saw her mom holding a brown paper bag. "Oh, yeah, oops.". She said, as she walked towards her mother.

"I just can't tell you how proud I am of you getting up so early in the morning!" Her mother complimented with a gleeful smile, "When did you start, Sophia?". "I'm actually not very sure." She replied. She really didn't remember when, it just sort of... Happened.

Sophia headed out the door and for the bus stop, walking very slowly. Another thing Sophia hated was school. It's not that she had a problem with grades and stuff- she had social problems. Yes, she was socially awkward, and was easily confused. Her problem, she thought, was that she was too smart to enjoy life the way popular girls seemed to. Well, she was never *completely unpopular*, she would have ups and downs in life whether she was more or less popular. But she always had a small group of good friends who were always by her side.

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