Chapter 4

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Walking seemed like forever to Sophia, but she didn't care about the time. All she could think about was the voices. When suddenly...

"Do you really think she's worthy?" Said a voice in Sophia's head, but not her usual one. This voice was, unlike the usual voice in her head, very excited and energetic. But it still sounded very faint, "she may have us, and she may have heard us, but she's still only human."

"That's beside the point!" Said another, different voice. A voice of an old man, "the master has found her worthy, and worthy she is. Do you dare defy the master?"

"Not at all" said the first voice, "but you know I don't want to cooperate in this any more than you do!"

Sophia turned, thinking she's heard the voices from a distance rather than in her head, but she only saw an empty street.
"Is anyone there?" She asked, hoping to make some sense out of the mysterious voices.
But there was nothing but silence.
She walked on. Just then, the voices started again;

"You and I both know none of us have a choice. But we can use his orders to our advantage behind the master's back" said the second voice.

"Alright, I'm convinced, she's worthy. She can definitely can hear us." Said the first voice again, "when will she find out?"

The second voice answered, "The moment she gets home, which is very soon..."
Sure enough, her home was visible from where she was. She'd be there in about a minute.
Sophia opened the back door and walked in. "Hello, honey." Her mom said as she walked into the kitchen. "How was your day?"

"Same old, same old." She replied, which was the truth, "I'm going to my room, see ya later."

"What about lunch?" Her mom asked, "you know it's important to eat three meals a day. Besides, I made your favorite- hot dogs, baked potato, and green beans."

Sophia couldn't help but smile at the thought of her favorite lunch. "Okay, I'll eat lunch, but not a big one because I've got stuff to do." She said as she sat down.
Sophia ate a quick lunch, and then rushed up the stairs to her room, colliding into her brother Alex.

"Um...Hey Alex," Sophia said, hoping he was in a good mood so he wouldn't taunt her, "had a good day?"

"Yeah, it was cool," he replied in a flat but peaceful tone, as if disconnected. Sophia heaved a sigh of relief. "And yours?"

"Fine, thank you." She replied, "I've got to go, see ya!"


She rushed to her room, and quickly closed the door. The time of day when Sophia got home from school and went to her room was the time of day she always waits for. It was the perfect time for her to do her favorite thing in the world- be alone with her thoughts and opinions.
She fell on her bed, tired but happy. But when she fell, she hit her head on something that wasn't there before. She turned around to find a pretty big box with an envelope on it. She looked at the box, then at the envelope. There was no return address, just her name- Sophia, written in deep blue ink. On the top right corner was a small emblem, printed in purple ink, it was shaped like an owl spreading its wings behind a big letter "M".
She opened the letter slowly, so as not to tear the letter inside, which read

"You've got your wish, make the most of your mind and us, for you are our only hope. Use the portal whenever you wish. And be warned this will be dangerous."

The letter was written in a loopy handwriting that seemed out of this world, and there was no signature. Sophia gently opened the box an looked inside. There was a weird, black object in the box, it looked like a helmet, only with strange rune- like shapes carved onto it. Sophia ran her fingers on it, and it felt smooth, as if it were made of jet- black glass.
It didn't look like a portal, and now she was more confused than ever.

"A letter and package from nowhere, a mysterious helmet, and voices in my head. What does it all mean?!" Asked Sophia out loud.
She picked the helmet out of the box and examined it, it seemed to fit her perfectly, if she tried it on. Dare she?
She picked it up, and very slowly, placed it on her head.

It was a good thing she was sitting on her bed, because a second after Sophia placed the helmet on her head she fell backwards into a deep sleep.

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