Chapter 7

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"Many many years ago, wizards lived on the earth, along with humans. Humans were somewhat less sophisticated back then, and often would ask wizards for help and assistance."

The land hologram disappeared and in its place appeared three necklaces with charms on them. The first charm was shaped like an infinity sign, fading from blue to red, then back to blue along the line. The second one looked somewhat like a circle within a hoop within a hoop, which were all purple, but there was nothing holding the circle in the hoop or the hoop in the bigger hoop. The third one looked like a skull made out of metal, but half of it still had a human face on it.

"With magic, practically anything was possible, except for three things; bringing back the dead, controlling others' minds, and immortality. These magics have been concealed into three amulets, which basically made them relics, where they can do no harm. The relics were locked in a temple, where only the most trusted and important wizards could enter. The magics could only be wielded if the relic was hung around one's neck. These three magics were made forbidden, for prophecy has told that if those three relics were to all be wielded at once, total chaos would pursue and the world would never be the same for wizardkind."

"Now, just like any government, we wizards have laws. And if someone were to break a law, he'd have to suffer the consequences. There were numerous optional punishments, but the worst of all, even worse than death, was having one's magic power taken and being sent of to live as a human. Only our government had the authority to confiscate one's power."

"Why am I mentioning this, you ask? Well, it's because it all started when one of our government members, a man named Enedor, falsely accused a man of murdering the head of the government in order to steal his power. The truth was that Enedor had really murdered him to get his power, and furthermore get the accused man's power. As you can tell, he was a power-hungry man, who always wanted more and more. Unfortunately for him they uncovered the truth, his power was taken and he was exiled to live as a human."

"As well as power-hungry, Enedor was also very vengeful, he decided it was time for the prophecy to be fulfilled. Since he was one of the government members, he was one of the few people who knew their way around the temple, and one of the very few who knew of the secret passages inside. With nothing more than pure wit and stealth, Enedor snuck into the temple, and stole all three relics."

"By the time the wizard government had found out the relics were stolen, it was too late; Enedor had learned to control the power, and had declared war against all the wizards of the world. That was a good thing, because we needed all the help we could get. Even though the wizard population was over 500 billion wizards!"

Sophia raised her hand. "How did you all fit on the planet? Along with humans?!" She asked.

Zemmer smiled and replied; "Like I said, anything is possible with magic. Except, of course, the three forbidden magics."

He continued: "But even 500 billion wizards was not enough against the intense power of the relics. Enedor created entire armies of living dead, and controlled their minds. He even controlled the minds of other wizards, and turned them against their kind. And the worst part was that he himself could not be killed, thanks to the immortality relic."

"The worldwide wizard council, which consists of all the head wizards of every wizard region in the world, played a major part in the war. Even when they saw the signs of defeat, but refused to give up. So after quick decision making, and no previous warning, each of the wizards cast a complex spell over their region's population. The spell turned them into pure imagination, and they embedded themselves into what little imagination humans had, becoming a part of it."

"For centuries wizard-kind has taken refuge in the minds of humans. It was a good deal; the wizards get a safe place to live, which they now called imagihavens, and the humans get higher intelligence and creativity. The war ended a little before the era you humans called the renaissance. The renaissance began thanks to the expanded imaginations of humans. Another thing the worldwide wizard council did was completely erase themselves from human history, and gave credit of ancient concepts to other nations and empires. The only one who still remembered the wizards, was Enedor. He vowed to find them, destroy them, and, of course, take all the power to himself."

"But we couldn't be hidden forever. A few years ago, using his mind control, Enedor discovered our secret. Luckily for us, he couldn't do anything to us while in the imagihavens,and he could not enter himself. But what he did do was use his mind control to reduce people's imaginations by brainwashing them with stupid concepts. Reduced imagination means less space, less space means some of us, if not all, will have to get out"

The hologram vanished, and the lights went bright again. "That's where you come in." Zemmer said.

"What? How?" She asked, with more questions in her head than answers.

"We need your help to reunite the three main regions of our world. The imagihavens of Chiroma and Rha'ag, which rest in the most recent decendants from the families of Taylor and of Rosenberg." He said, "Which just so happen to be your closest friends. Melanie and Arden, right?"

Sophia just stood there, still trying to process the information. "Really? Melanie and Arden? We are like the least expected people to have such a fate as this!" She shouted from shock.

"Why do you think you became friends?" Zemmer said with a smile, "you all have a mutual purpose, to stop Enedor from fulfilling the prophecy."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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