Chapter 6

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Sophia just stood there, shocked, with a million questions streaming through her head. "Who is that man?" "How did he know my name?" "What would he expect me for?" "Why does he sound so familiar?"
The voice came again;

"Come on in, I don't have all day."

Nervously, Sophia opened the door. It led to a very decorated room, with pale blue walls and a deep purple carpet on the floor. All around the room, there were odd maps and charts with complex diagrams hung on the walls.under the left window was a large ebony desk covered in pages and quills, and a half-empty bottle of blue ink stood On the edge closer to Sophia. Near the desk, were complicated instruments that Sophia assumed involved astronomy. A large bookshelf, filled with all sorts of books, in all colors and sizes, stood right across the room. To it's left was a staircase that, Sophia presumed, led to the top of the tower. And to its right was a large fireplace, in which a bright orange fire was burning. In the middle of the room stood an old man. He had a thin body and a face to match, with a long white beard and a broad smile across it. He was wearing a long purple and gold robe, and a pointed hat to match, but the hat was so old the corner of it folded over to the side.
The old man started to speak;

"I'm so glad you've come, Sophia. Please, do come in." He said in a gentle tone.

Sophia walked in slowly, closing the door behind her, and never taking her eyes of the old man.
"Who are you? And how did you know my name?" She asked with a obviously nervous, yet demanding tone.

"My name is Zemmer, and I am the head wizard of the Allen region. Or to put it differently, all the Imagihavens of your family, hence the name" He said calmly, "And it looks like I have some explaining to do."

"That would be nice." She said, eyeing all of her surroundings, trying to put the pieces together. "But first prove to me that you are really a wizard, and that it isn't all just inside my head."

Zemmer thought for a moment. "To be honest, I can't fulfill your last request." He said, "Because this is all inside your head. But nonetheless it is real, it is the reality within your imagination. In fact, everyone's imagination"

To say Sophia was confused would be an under statement. "What do you mean by that?"

He explained, "What I mean is that you are right now inside your imagination, where it is so intense even what you imagine becomes reality here. All of you thoughts, all of your memories, all of the images, sounds, smells and so forth that are here are things you've experienced, and we the wizards have organized it in a manner where is is possible to live."

"Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay" Sophia said, in partial disbelief.

"I can completely understand your disbelief, Sophia. But I swear by my title as head wizard that everything will make sense with time." Zemmer replied.

"Fine." She said, "but you still have not proven to me that you are a wizard."

"Ah, yes..." He said thoughtfully. Zemmer took a while to think, "alright, close your eyes." She did, and then he uttered a strange chant while doing a circular motion with his left hand towards Sophia. Sophia couldn't understand what he was chanting, but she was sure the words were in English.

"Okay, open your eyes now..." She heard Zemmer say.

She did. "I don't see anything different." She said.

"Try looking down..." Zemmer said, calm as he was.

She did, and she noticed they were both hovering at least three feet off the ground!

"Whoa!" Sophia said. She staggered backwards from shock and flipped over, and hovered upside down. Zemmer chuckled and, with a wave of his hand, set Sophia right side up.

"Okay, now I'm convinced, but why did you have me close my eyes?" Sophia asked.

"I didn't know whether you'd get airsick." Zemmer said with another chuckle.

Zemmer gently set them back on the floor, Sophia let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, I'm convinced you're a wizard, but can you now explain to me what you wizards are doing here in the first place." Sophia said

"We have taken refuge here, it is a long story which I shall tell you. But first I need to call my apprentice." He said. He turned his head towards the staircase and called; "Dyllan!"

A boy about her age came rushing down the stairs, he wore a robe just like Zemmer's, but smaller and with a leather belt around his waist. He had bright, hazel-green eyes and short chestnut hair.

"Yes, master?" He asked politely.

"It is about time I told you about our history, and how we ended up taking refuge in the imaginations of humans." He said. He waved his hand, and two chairs appeared. "Sit down." He said.

Once they sat down, Sophia noticed out of the corner of her eye that Dyllan was staring at her. She turned around, but head turned his head before she could see him.

"Why was he staring at me? Does he like me?!" Sophia thought, "Nah, no way he likes me. We don't even know each other!"

She returned her focus to Zemmer, who by now had dimmed the lights and conjured a magical hologram of what appeared to be a peaceful land.

"This" he said, "is our story."


So what do you think so far? I'd like to know so share in the comments!!!!

Yours sincerely,
Misty Rivers

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