You are More Than you Thought

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 I felt a voice tugging at me, begging me to wake up without really saying anything. After a few minutes, I began hearing it. It was distant, as if someone where calling to me from a high mountain across from me. Their voice echoed and rang through my head, but I couldn't make out what it was saying, so I ignored it.

It was only a short few more seconds before I could make out what they were saying. They were calling my name, over and over and over. I wasn't disturbed at all by it's presence, and I continued to drift into an endless black nothingness.


The sound was loud now, it muddled with my peaceful state and I listened reluctantly.

          Alicia can you hear me? Please get up, can you hear me?

I was confused, I figured it was my subconscious, not wanting to let go. In the past, I'd have continued on, but I had used up the last of my strength, and even with it, there wasn't much to keep living for.

          Please, please talk back- can you hear me? You can't be gone! Alicia! It's Phantom!

That statement triggered something in my mind and I felt almost compelled to answer. I did so reluctantly.

          "Phantom? No, you're my subconscious, you aren't real."

I felt a little stupid trying to talk back to myself, but I might as well listen, considering how it sounded as if they were yelling into my ear.

          Alicia! Thank god, you can hear me! Asher is still alive! Your dad is still alive! You need to get up, please!

No, it wasn't possible. Even if he managed to get into my head, I figured it was impossible. A small part of me wanted to hold onto the image of my family still living and breathing.

          "...They are? Are you real? How did you get in my head?"

I asked, a pang of guilt shot through me from giving up. Was it too late?

          I- I can explain, but you need to wake up first, please Alicia! Scaretta and I are counting on you! Asher will be here any second you need to hurry and wake up!

The last two words were so loud, and accompanied by another voice of someone female, but I couldn't quite tell who. My eyes snapped open and I sprang into the air, sitting up with a loud gasp.

Phantom was lying in front of me, his head picked up from where it was resting on his hands in surprise. Everything was the same, exactly how it was before. Smoke, fire, destruction. What happened to my home? Was it even still standing? Or did Aston target it.

Scaretta popped out from behind Phantom and she trotted up to me happily. I pet her neck as she leaned into my touch. I let go when the sound of a nearby car, and I looked for where the sound was coming from.

When it first appeared, Phantom jumped in front of me protectively, growling at whoever might be inside. He stood over me, his head lowered, his frill poked up more than ever, and his good wing stretched out defensively. His tail swayed slowly, like how a cats' would if it was annoyed. Scaretta seemed to mimic his actions.

As the car stopped, I saw Asher hop out of it, and Phantom stepped away knowingly. I weakly got to my feet and we hugged in reunion. He let go soon after and smiled down at me.

          "Oh, you're alive! You had been gone for so long, dad and I went out to Darrsko to try and find you but with no luck." He drew in another breath. "Luckily we found a nice family who knew you by how we described, and they drove us back here, what are you still doing here?" Asher practically yelled.

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