Chapter Two

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Oikawa's POV
The next morning, I woke up while yawning and I start getting out of bed. I head towards my closet, grabbing my uniform. I change into my uniform, then I start walking towards the bathroom, and began to start styling my hair.

Once I was done with my hair, I start heading downstairs. I head towards the door and leave the house, I walked over to Iwa-Chan's door, knocking on it while waiting for him. He opened the door, I looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Ready to go Iwa-Chan?" I asked.

He nodded and we started heading towards school together. I started talking to him but then I noticed he was listening to music again and I just sighed, realizing that he wasn't listening to me at all.

I need to get closer to him in order to have him fall for me...

I just decided to stay silent for the rest of the walk. We arrived at school and I was immediately surrounded by my fan club. I noticed Iwa-Chan had snuck over to Makki and Mattsun, I felt a bit irritated but I just decided to interact with my fan club.

I started walking to class when I heard the bell ring. I walked into class, heading towards my seat and sitting down. I looked over to Iwa-Chan and he was already doing the packet that was handed out. Then I started to do the class work as well, it was pretty easy so I finished it within ten minutes.

I walked over to the teacher, handing her the packet and she looked over it. She gave me a nod as a way of telling me that all of my work was correct, I smiled and walked over to my desk and sat down. I noticed Iwa-Chan was looking at me with his eyes wide, I just smirked at him.

"How did you finish that entire packet in ten minutes..?" He asked in a whisper.

I smiled at him, "Well I am pretty smart~." I told him, giving him a wink.

He just scoffed at me and went back to doing the work. I looked over at Makki and Mattsun, who weren't even doing the work since they were drawing mustaches on each other's faces. I chuckled at the sight and I looked back over at Iwa-Chan, seeing that he was almost done with the packet.

"Need any help Iwa-Chan~?" I asked him.

He just looked at me with a scoff, shaking his head and continued working on the packet. I huffed and looked out the window, then I put my head into my hand and start to relax my eyes. Then I heard footsteps coming towards my way, I sighed and looked up at the person. It was my last plaything, Sazama Katsumi.

"What do you want?" I asked her with a slightly annoyed voice.

"W-Well I was wondering if we could hangout later today..?" She asks me.

I sighed and looked at her in the eyes, "Sorry I can't, I am gonna be working on the project with my partner." I told her.

"Who's your partner..?" She asks.

"Well my partner is Iwa-Chan~." I said. Iwa-Chan lifted his head up and scoffed, while looking at me. "Dumbass, it's Iwaizumi." He says while I pouted a bit.

"Still gonna call you Iwa-Chan though~. It's a cute nickname for you~!" I said with a grin. He sighed before getting up and walking towards the teacher with his packet. I looked back over at Katsumi with a slight smirk, "Why did you even come to talk to me again?" I asked her.

I noticed her eyes slightly widened, a slight blush was slowly creeping onto her face. "Well I still like you..." She slightly whispered. I looked over at Iwa-Chan who was busy talking to the teacher about the packet, I looked back over at Katsumi again and sighed.

"Well I mean it's pretty obvious, you usually try to come and talk to me more, even though I was just using you. Just go find someone who would actually treat you well." I told her. I noticed her body stiffened a bit but I noticed the look in her eyes, they showed determination and that's when I realized she is not going to give up.

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