Soulmate Headcanon (Colour Rush)

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So my friend got me hooked on this Korean BL series called Colour Rush and I really wanna to rp this with someone!

I strongly suggest you watch the series, it's really good and it's only just come out so there's only a few episodes of it and each episode is only like 15 minutes so it's easy to watch! The English dubbed versions are on YouTube if your interested!

So anyways I'll explain the story!

So if you haven't seen the series, the story is set in a universe where there are some people in the world that can't see colour and only can see the world in black, white and grey, these people are called Monos. But each Mono has a soulmate of sorts that allows the Mono to see in colour whenever they look at their face, these soulmate's are called Probes.

Problem is with Monos is that the first time they see their Probe's face the sight of seeing colour causes their senses to overstimulate to the point of fainting and since the affects of the Probes only lasts for a short while, Monos can get extremely addicted/obsessed with their Probes and could get so desperate to see colours again to the point of going insane and killing their Probes and eating their flesh just so they can see colour again.

So in the actual story to this series is there's this Mono boy who gets transferred to an all boys school and there he meets his Probe. The Mono boy doesn't want anything to do with his Probe cause he's afraid of going crazy like many other Monos who meet their Probes but his Probe keeps pushing him and kinda forces his Mono into looking at his face cause he's really attracted to him but he also doesn't his Mono to go crazy so he becomes very strict with the other male so he can kinda ease him into seeing the world in colour without going insane. (if that makes any sense to you lmao just watch the series)

So if you want to rp this that's going to be the scenario.

So I've got two oc's here if you want to rp this with me

My Probe

This is my Probe Boi, Jeong! He's here's some info on him

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This is my Probe Boi, Jeong! He's here's some info on him

•he's a quiet type around strangers but is also very blunt like he has not problem saying what's on his mind.

•More social around his friends and Mono.

•A Bisexual King.

•He will fight you if you mess with his Mono.

•Favourite colour is blue (which is why he does his hair)

•Constantly wears a face mask in case he meets his Mono.

•Sleeps through class and takes a plushie to school to sleep on.

•Only has like two friends but is somehow very popular in school.

•Could easily be a K-pop idol if he wanted to.

•A dominate seke.

•Definitely has a power/contol kink.

•Possibly a sadist.

My Mono

This his my Mono Boi, Seok and here's some info on him

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This his my Mono Boi, Seok and here's some info on him

•Does NOT want to meet his Probe.

•Definitely a tsundere.

•Mr "I don't want friends" then accidentally ends up with friends.

•Angsty/Edgy E-boy vibes.

•Touch starved.

•Will punch his Probe in the face if he tries to take off his mask.

•Blushes very easily.


•"what's so special about seeing colours?" *sees colours* "Ok, I get it now"

•Possibly a masochist.

•Attitude of a top but is actually a submissive seke.

•*Sees his probe* "OH NO HES HOT!"

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