"I don't want to be here anymore..."

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This is an angsty character so be warned there is mentions of suicide is and possible self harm

This is Jake, he's serverly depressed and has kept it a secret for years. He's considered a quiet, loner type at school, he doesn't really have any friends and lives with his single parent mother.

 He's considered a quiet, loner type at school, he doesn't really have any friends and lives with his single parent mother

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I'll leave a few scenarios down at the bottom of you want to rp with him

1. You were put into a support group at school because of (insert reason here. /bulling, mental health, death in family, ect:/) you've been there for a couple of weeks and the support group seemed to help, plus it was nice knowing other kids that understood what you were going through.

Today was like any other day, you made your way to the classroom where the support group was held every Friday after school. When you walked in you noticed someone new was sitting in the circle, he was quiet, head hung low as he looked down at the floor while others spoke to one another.

You took the last seat available which happened to be directly in front of the new boy and soon the Counciler began the group session. You all went around the group by introducing yourselves until it came upon the new boy who just glanced at everyone in the group before quietly introducing himself, "Um.. I'm Jake..." the counciler smiled at Jake and spoke "and why are you here Jake?". The boy fiddled with the sleeves of his hoodie slightly before looking down at the ground and stayed silent for a few moments, ".... Because I tried to kill myself" he replied. You?

2. It was a rainy afternoon and you were making your way home after a long day of (work/school), you were making your usual route which took you to walk over a bridge. You've walked over this bridge an uncountable amount of times but today there was something different about it. Something terribly different. Threw the blurry view of heavy rain drops you spot a figure standing on top of the ledge of the bridge as they're gaze was set on the long drop below. It was only when you got closer did you see it was a boy roughly around your age and you could tell he was ready to jump. You?

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