The Hot Pizza Delivery (Guy/Girl) Cute Headcanon

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I just had this cute idea while waiting for my pizza to be delivered sooooo

You had just gotten dumped by your long term (boyfriend/girlfriend) and you were currently a mess. Face tear stained and flushed red from all of your hard crying, hair messy from not brushing or washing it for a few days. Wearing sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt that was stained from the ice cream and other assorted food items you've been eating your feelings away with.

Speaking of food. It was time to order pizza. You reached out and grabbed your phone before calling your local pizza place, "hi, welcome to Crusty's Pizzas how may I help you?" a girl on the other end asked, "I just got dumped so can I have the biggest (favourite type) pizza you got and send the hottest worker you have to deliver it" you asked, of course you weren't serious about the hottest worker thing but at this moment, you had no shame. The girl was silent for a few moments before letting out a laugh, "Ok, I got chu, Boo. What's your address?" she asked and you gave her your address before hanging up.

Ten minutes past and you hear your doorbell ring, you tired crawled if of your little nest on the couch and your wallet from your kitchen counter to pay the devilery person. When you opened the door your eyes widen at the sight in from of you. There stood probably the hottest girl/guy you had every seen in your life holding a pizza box in one hand and a piece of paper in the other, "uh, hi! Pizza for... The (girl/guy) that got dumped...?" they said, reading off the small piece of paper in their hand and cringe slightly before looking back at you, "wow, sorry that sounded really rude. I don't think you gave my co-worker your actual name" they explained giving you an awkward smile as you just stared at them in awe until you realised that you looked like a total slob in front of the hottest pizza boy/girl in the world!!!! What do you do????

(if you want a delivery boy, here he is! I'll call him Cody)

(if you want a delivery girl here she is! I'll call her Elana)

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(if you want a delivery girl here she is! I'll call her Elana)

(if you want a delivery girl here she is! I'll call her Elana)

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