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That's all Shoto felt on a daily basis. White hot pain that shot through his body with every movement he made. Why did this happen to him? Why did his siblings leave? Why didn't they take him with them? Did they just not care? Didn't they love him? No. They didn't care enough about him to try and save him. They didn't love him, just like how his own mother didn't love him. She had committed suicide shortly after burning his face. And his father...

That man dared to call himself a hero, but he was just a monster. He married his wife just to gain strong children, which wasn't even consented. He beat his children for not being strong enough. He tormented his youngest for discipline.


Shoto hated his father with a burning passion. He wanted nothing more than to take a knife and jam it down his throat, but he just... couldn't. He was too weak to do anything about it, so he just took the abuse like a good little slave.

"SHOTOOO!" That voice made the teen shiver in fear. He knew it was time for his morning beating before school. He wanted so badly to run and hide, to jump out his window and flee from it all, but it would be fruitless. He knew it would. He tried it before, after all.

Shoto fearfully trudged into the living room. A fist collided with his throat. He stumbled into the stairs, hitting his head in the railing. "ANSWER ME WHEN I CALL YOU!" The teen coughed heavily, doing his best to respond. "Y-yes...s...s...ir..." He croaked as he shakily stood. A loud slap resonated throughout the room. Blood seeped from Shoto's nose as he tumbled backwards towards the stairs. Another punch landed on his face, this time his left eye, irritating the scar. He whimpered in pain.

The teen dodged the kick aimed for his other eye. His face paled the moment he realized what he did. He quickly scrambled out the house, wiping away the blood with his hand. Shoto knew what was to happen the moment he stepped foot in that house after school. His legs quivered at the thought.

He wished to whatever god that was out there to have mercy on him, to save him from this torment. He wished upon the millions of stars in the sky for his life to become better.

He wished he was never born.

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Rescued, But Not Truly SavedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora