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     Shoto laid in bed, enjoying a dreamless slumber. His face was peaceful. For once in his life, Todoroki Shoto was at ease... Until he wasn't. Memories started floating through his mind, slowly growing worse and twisted. Images of his mother's cold gaze filled his head. Phantom pains of his scar throbbed as his face scrunched up. Cold sweat rolled down his body. Memories of his father flashed by; all of the raping, the beatings, and the yelling made him shiver.

Shoto was suddenly jolted awake by a large, yet gentle hand. He shot up in his bed. His body was shaking in fear, his nightmare continuing to haunt him. He looked around, only to be met with the tired, concerned face of Aizawa. "Breath, kid. Calm down. Copy me." The man instructed. He inhaled, then slowly exhaled. It was then Shoto realized that his breathing was frantic. He followed his teacher's movements, breathing slowly until his heart rate went down.

"Feeling better now?" Aizawa asked. He was greeted with a nod. "Want to talk about it?" Shoto looked down at the floor. "Look, it's ok if you don't want to-" "I...had a, it was more of a swarm of memories. All of the times I was beat and burned, then times I was chained to walls and whipped, the pain of being used as nothing but a pleasure toy...I could see my mother. She was sad and scared. She hated how I looked like my father, so...she burned my eye...That was the last thing she said to me before she died..."

Todoroki's eyes glazed over as memories filled his mind. He quickly snapped out of it. "I'm sorry. I must've woken you up. You look very tired. I'm very sorry I woke you up. You can go back to sleep now. I won't disturb you again." Shota gently placed a hand on the teens shoulder. "Kid, it's ok. You didn't disturb me. I was already up anyways. I'm always here for you if you need me, ok? I know you had it rough your whole life, but we can work through this together."

Shoto met his teacher's gaze. His face scrunched up into one of confusion. "...Why? Why go through so much trouble for someone who doesn't even deserve it? Why help me when you can go back to sleep? Why do so much for me? I was nothing but a simple rape case. You could've just stuck me into foster care and moved on with your life. You could've threw me to the streets. I-I don't understand. I mess up and you don't punish me. You won't yell at me or even touch me. You comfort me a-and make sure I have food and a place to sleep. Why...?"

"Because I care about you, kid. I care about your well being. I want to help you through this and help you feel better." The teacher replied. "You can't...I'm too broken. It's a waste of time and energy. I can't be fixed, sensei, nor am I worth fixing-"

"You are not broken, Shoto." Shota interrupted. "That's the only reason I'm living with you, sensei...! I was deemed broken, so I was dumped here for you to deal with...! My father should've just killed me while he had the chance-"

"Shoto!" Aizawa sternly shouted. "If he killed me, you'd be sleeping right now...! You'd be enjoying your life instead of sitting here in the middle of the night trying to comfort me...! If I were dead, life would be so much easier for you and everyone else I'm burdening just by being born-" Todoroki suddenly stopped talking. He lowered his gaze back to the floor. "Kid?"

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, sensei. It was rude and disrespectful of me. I won't do it again. I'm sorry. I'll let you go back to sleep." The teen laid back down, facing away from his guardian. "Kid, talk to me. What just happen?"

"I had realized that I had stepped out of my place. I had also realized something very important." Todoroki replied. "What was that important thing?"

"Just something that will fix my problems." Shota realized he wasn't going to get anymore information from the teen, so he ruffled his hair and left, unaware of what would happen in the days to come.

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