Finally Free

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     Shoto laid in bed one early Saturday morning. He had woken up in a cold sweat, his father's sadistic face filling his dreams. Aizawa was out on patrol that night and wouldn't be back until the sun rose, not that the teen would indulge his teacher in his nightly terrors.

Todoroki heard the front door open. He found it strange seeing as he was the only one in the apartment at that moment. He figured that Shota had gotten off of work early. He exited his room and walked into the kitchen to prepare coffer for the underground hero, only to freeze . Standing in the living room was the person who tormented him since birth. Standing before him was Todoroki Enji.

Shoto wasn't sure if he was dreaming or if what he was seeing was real. Whether fantasy or reality, Shoto was scared. No, he was terrified. "I finally found you, Shoto~" The former hero cooed sadistically. "You caused me a lot of trouble, boy. It took me weeks to find you." The scent of smoke filled Shoto's nostrils. He slowly reached into a draw and grabbed a knife.  "I think you need to be punished~"

Endeavor lurked closer to the teen. "You're lucky. I'd kill you if I didn't need you to surpass All Might." Shoto murmured under his breath. "What did you say?!" Enji demanded. "I said kill me!" Shoto snapped at his father.

"Go ahead and do it! Kill me! You can't break me down anymore than you already have! You can't break what's already broken! I won't be your little f*ck toy or your punching bag!" Enji snapped. "You little-!"

"What are you going to do, hurt me? Beat me and tell me to obey? Listen here, old man! No one can be better than All Might! Not you, not me, no one!" Endeavor froze. "You realize it, don't you? You know that you'll never be better than All Might. You brought me into this world for F*CKING NOTHING!" Enji was speechless. He knew no one was great as the Symbol of Peace. He knew it all along, but was determined to prove himself wrong. He hurt his wife, killed two of his sons, mentally scarred his daughter and nearly killed his youngest.

He wasn't ready to give up, though.

Endeavor lunged at his son, pinning him to a wall. "You have some nerve, boy!" Shoto smirked. "Drop dead, old man. Better yet, I'll do it for you. Go ahead, use your quirk. I bet you'd love to take your anger out on me. Kill me." A large hand wrapped around the teen's neck. "I still need you, boy. You will surpass All Might!" Gripping the knife, Shoto slashed at the man, making a deep slit in his chest. The former hero tumbled backwards, placing a hand over his wound.

"F*ck you! F*ck All Might, f*cking being a hero, f*ck this whole world!" The teen placed his left hand on the blade, heating up. "You want to know something I realized?" A hysterical giggle escaped his lips. "You can't use me if I'm dead!" Shoto plunged the knife into his chest, just below his heart. His giggling grew into laughter as he smiled wider than he'd ever had in his life. His laughter only increased as he yanked out the knife, only to plunged it repeatedly into his chest. His eyes were wide, an insane look in them. Shoto fell to the ground, his hands not stopping once and neither did his laughter.

Aizawa jumped into the apartment through an open window. He gasped loudly at the sight. His eyes met with the teen's, who only laughed harder. Shoto coughed up blood, laughing through his choking. His hands fell to his side, the knife buried in his chest. He couldn't move; his limbs felt heavy. The world was spinning. His chest hurt. His ears rang.

Yet he never stopped laughing. At least not until his heart gave out. Even then, the sound of his laughter bouncing off the walls remained for a few moments longer. Aizawa turned to Enji, who was staring at the dead child. He was seething. His most perfect creation had killed himself. "D*NMIT!" He roared in anger. Shota reached into his pockets and grabbed a pair of quirk cancelling handcuffs. He quickly cuffed Endeavor and pinned him to a wall. With his free hand he grabbed his phone and called for back up. His eyes drifted to Shoto's corpse. A smile remained on the teen's face. It was unnerving.

All Might quickly arrived on the scene, as well as multiple pro heroes, police officers, and a medical team. Enji was arrested and sent to jail. The medical team carefully placed a white blanket over the body and carried it away.

The apartment was silent, yet Shota could still hear the laughter of the now dead teen.

Rescued, But Not Truly Savedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن