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Warning: Rape

     U.A's annual Sport's Festival had come around and was in full swing. The crowd was going mad over the display of quirks from the promising future heroes. Midnight cracked her whip in the air to gain their attention. "Next up we have One-on-one battles! Our first match-up is our first place winner, Bakugo Katsuki!" The crowed erupted into screams and cheers as the explosive blonde walked into the arena, a confident smirk on his face. "I can't wait to destroy that Icyhot b*stard!"

"Going against him is our last place competitor, who's barely keeping up, Todoroki Shoto!" The crowed applauded, not as enthused as before. The audience's applause was short lived as Todoroki himself didn't appear in the arena. Mutters and murmurs spread throughout the stands. "It seems Todoroki has forfeit the match, making Bakugo our winner."

"HAH?! NO WAY! I REFUSE TO WIN THIS WAY!" The blonde bellowed. He was forcibly dragged out of the arena. From the announcer's box, Aizawa was puzzled. "Oi, Mic. Why did Todoroki forfeit?" He asked his loud coworker. "Huh? Oh, Endeavor pulled him out. Didn't say why, though. I assumed it was family reasons. The little listener looked a little pale." Shota stood. "I'm leaving."

"What about the Sport's Festival?!" The loud blonde whined. "You got it. It's not like I ever say anything during the festival." The ravenette replied before quickly leaving. He scaled a nearby building and started hopping from roof to roof, navigating his way to the Todoroki household. Upon his arrival, he quickly ducked behind the house. He noticed an open window. With stealth, Aizawa slipped into the house. He could hear faint dialog coming from another room.

Taking careful steps, the teacher walked towards the noise. "I told you to win, did I not? Why were you in last place?! You were barely competing! I did NOT train you for 15 F*CKING YEARS to not win! I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO DISGRACE ME! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?!"

"I-I'm sorry, s-sir...I-I promise I-I'll d-do better next year-" A loud slap resonated throughout the house. "Keep in mind I told you there would be consequences if you didn't win the Sport's Festival." Enji dragged his son into the kitchen, throwing him to the floor. He reached into the sink and pulled out a bloodied knife. The flame hero's hand combusted into flames, heating the metal blade and making it glow and angry red.

Shoto's face paled as his father's belt dropped to the floor, followed by his pants and underwear. "W-wait, please! I'm sorry! Please don't! I'll do better! P-please!" His pleads fell upon deaf ears as his clothes were burned from his body. The teen was bent over the kitchen counter, his body trembling in fear.

A pained cry escaped his lips as his father entered him. The hero's thrusts didn't start slow of gentle. They were rough and ruthless, bruising his son's already bleeding insides. "S-Sir, please! I'm sorry! Please! I'll do better-"

"Silence! I'm tired of your voice! You serve your purpose of surpassing All Might and being my cock sleeve~ Now shut up and moan, slut~" Enji ran the scolding hot knife down Shoto's back, drawing a scream from him. Shota peaked around the corner and nearly vomited at the sight. He quickly pulled out his phone and started recording for evidence. Endeavor gripped his son's thighs and wrapped them around his waist, going deeper than ever before.

Shoto felt as if he couldn't breathe. The pain was unbearable. He could feel the blood drip down his thighs and to the floor. Teeth bit into his back, making him writhe in pain. "Such soft skin~ If you don't surpass All Might, you could make a living as being my personal cam dumpster~ Maybe THIS will help you decide~!" Enji's hips pounded Shoto's bleeding anus harder, pulling him back with each thrust to make his large cock go even deeper. He suddenly started heating up his penis, nearly setting it on fire.

Shoto was barely conscious. He felt the hot knife dig into his thighs, slicing them open. He screamed louder, his voice hoarse. Endeavor's thrusts started to become sporadic, signaling that his orgasm was near. Shoto's eyes widened. "Wait, please! Don't! Not inside! Please! I'll do better! I'll train better! Please! Please!!" With a low moan, his father filled him with semen, shooting deep inside of him. Shoto sobbed at the feeling. He wished that he could die. Enji swiftly pulled out and watched as blood and cum oozed from his son's thoroughly used hole. "F*cking brat! You're dripping blood on the floor!" Grabbing the teen by the back of the next, he threw him to the ground. "Lick it up."

A trembling tongue started to lap up the cum and blood. A sadistic grin grew on Enji's face. He grabbed Shoto by the back of the neck once again and walked towards the basement. He threw the teen down the stairs. "This'll teach you to do better. You better hope I don't forget you down here." With a low chuckle, the flame hero closed the door and locked it, leaving the naked teen to cry on the cold, dirty floor.

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