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     Shota quickly slipped out of the house and called All Might. "Hello-" "Toshinori, I'm going to send you some footage. Once you watch it, get your *ss over here quickly and bring back up. I'm at Endeavor's place." The underground hero interrupted. "Ok, but why-" "Don't ask questions, just get over here!" A few minutes later sirens could be heard in the distance and grew near rather quickly. Enji looked outside his window to see at least ten police cars and All Might on his front lawn. "Endeavor! You're under arrest for child abuse and rape! Step out of the house with your hands where we can see them!" All Might yelled, his trademark smile gone. In it's place was a deep frown.

With a scowl, Enji opened his front door and stepped out of the house, his hands in the air. Two police officers approached the flame hero and place quirk cancelling cuffs on his wrists, preventing him from using his quirk. Though his quirk was detained, Enji's brute strength wasn't. He pushed the officers to the ground and made a run for it. The police quickly climbed into their cars and chased after Enji. "Go find young Todoroki! We'll get Endeavor!" All Might yelled as he ran after the flame hero.

Aizawa ran into the house and started searching. "Todoroki! Can you hear me?! Where are you?!" He looked around the first floor before spotting a door. Upon opening it, he realized it was a basement. Pulling out his phone, he shined a light into the dark underground room. Dried blood was smeared all over the floor and walls. Whips, chains, and shackles were attached to the walls. Two bodies were shackled to adjacent walls, both females with white hair. A third body laid near the stairs. The corpse seemed to be male, but was missing a head. The head itself was mounted on a wall, it's eyes open and rolled back. The stench of rotting flesh made Shota gag.

He noticed an unconscious figure shaking on the middle of the floor, who he quickly recognized as Shoto. He quickly picked the teen up and ran out of the basement. All Might and two police officers ran inside the house. "I found him and two dead bodies in the basement. Call an ambulance, now!" He directed. The police officers ran into the baseman as All Might called for an ambulance, which arrived a few minutes later.

Shoto was placed on a stretcher and hauled into the truck, Aizawa staying by his side throughout the whole ride to the hospital. Upon their arrival Shoto was taken to the emergency room. Shota waited outside for ten minutes before Nezu had arrived. "I heard what happened. What are his injuries like?" The small animal asked. "Not sure. He just got in. Did they catch Endeavor?"

"Sadly, no. He got away. Do you know if young Todoroki has any other family to be his guardian?" Aizawa shook his head. "His mother, Todoroki Rei, was supposedly released from a mental hospital and lives with him, and his sister Todoroki Fuyumi lives there as well, but...I found two corpses in the basement of the Todoroki household chained to a wall. Both were women with white hair. The bodies looked a few years old..."

"I see... Well, seeing as there is no other family to look after the boy, I am putting him into your custody as a teacher and pro hero until further notice. Is this alright with you, Shota?"

"I don't have much of a choice, now do I?"

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