taking inventory

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tw i guess// swearing. in every chapter. also george thinking about clay, OoOoOOooo. please tell me if i have any typos, or how i could improve, n shit. i will read ur comments. if u guys want ill make a google doc- ok im done here, read. ily

a/n fuck this book i hate it lol

» [george's pov] « 

He woke up to the sound of an alarm. 

God, I hate school. 

He slammed his hand into the alarm clock, picked it up, and threw it onto the floor. He got up, took a shower, changed into his uniform, and thought if he should eat or not.

Every thought that entered his mind was a war. He'd sit for a long time, thinking, normally thinking about Clay-


Shit. I'm gonna be late for school, then I won't be able to see him. 

He thought for a minute.

Why do you care so much? What the hell is wrong with you? You constantly want to see him, like-

Like a stalker.

What if I stalked Clay? What if that was the only way for me to see him? 

No, that's fucking weird. What if Clay saw me?  His cheeks flushed red, starting to get hot.

He shrugged the thought away. He grabbed his keys, started up his car, and started driving. Though the thought kept coming back to him. Every time he kept thinking about it, he got more and more serious about it. He really wanted Clay.

NO. That's weird. You- you just wanna check up on Clay. Nothing more. His cheeks kept getting hotter and hotter.

Stop. You're gonna go crazy if you keep thinking about him. 


After 10 minutes of driving, he finally made it to the school. He saw Clay. Clay noticed George staring at him, and gave George a confused look. 

George realized he was staring. STOP. STOP. LOOKING. AT. CLAY. NOW. 

Damn, Clay looks so good in his uniform. 

What did I just say? Stop.

He was standing there, staring into the sky, thinking, thinking about Clay, the things he could do-

"Hey!!" He felt a slap on his shoulder. George turned around to see a familiar, friendly face.

"Oh, hey Nick!"

Nick lowered his voice to a low whisper. "Dreaming about Clay again, are you?"

"Shut up, Nick." George's cheeks flushed pink.

Nick let out a chuckle. god, i hate the word chuckle.

"C'mon, George, we all know you like him~" he teased.

"I said shut up!!" George hit his shoulder, rolling his eyes.

"Fine, but we all know the truth." He laughed. "Let's go find Darryl."

They headed towards the bathroom, finding Darryl behind it with some muffins. 

"Hey guys, look! I saved you some muffins!"

Nick and Darryl started talking, George nodding at random points of the conversation, but he wasn't really paying attention.

What if Nick was right? 

just one peek (dreamnotfound + sapkarl)Where stories live. Discover now