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» [clay's pov] «

Clay watched Nick get up and run from the table, seconds later, he saw Techno sprinting after Nick.

If they're gonna leave, so am I.

He ran to his car, got in, and drove off. When he got home, he got on his phone and listened to a playlist he had called "george ❤️". yea ik its a cringe name but fuck off i cant think of names

now playing: pleaser by wallows

You're talking while you're fast asleep

As I walk slowly from your house

Back in your room remain the words I wanna say to you but couldn't leave my mouth

Does it come as a surprise?

Language of averted eyes

Silence is what I do best

Still, I hear it all wasting time around my head

So I talk to myself instead

He started to tear up. He didn't know why Nick would try to "help" George. He was pissed off, sad, and didn't know what to do. 

Sitting out the weekend

Couldn't do it again

Say you want it right now

But I wouldn't know how

It's something that I can't do

Then what am I supposed to

Quite the people pleaser

If only I could please her

In his mind, he crossed out the word her and replaced it with him. He loved George, and currently hated Nick.

Should I kill him? He thought, his thoughts were getting out of control.

Well, no, 'cause he'd know you're the one who did it.

He knew practically everything about George. He knew George was colorblind, that he talked in his sleep, who his friends were, where he lived, what he did every day, and that there was a Halloween party coming up that George would probably go to—

He ran his hand through his hair, then used it to rest his head. 

A Halloween party!

He knew this was his chance, now he just needed to figure out how to get George alone. He thought it would be easy, just get some random girl to get him drunk— then trap George and bring him somewhere so they could talk. 

Drunk words are sober thoughts, right? It means George will let out his true feelings, and if they aren't good towards me, we can change that.

He jumped up, back into his normal happy self. Thinking about George eased his pain, even if he was the cause of the pain.

He grabbed a pillow and pretended it was George. 

"I love you." he mumbled into the George pillow.

» [techno's pov] «

He sat down into a chair next to Nick in the office. 

"What do you think they brought us over here for?" Techno asked Nick. my english sucks im sorry :(

"Maybe they saw your blood, Techno." Nick replied in a quiet voice.

"Hmm.." Techno laughed. "That can't be right, 'cause I cleaned it up." 

Wait. They probably saw the paper towels.

Fuck, you idiot!

Nick noticed the look on Techno's face and returned the look back to Techno.

Techno nodded his head in defeat. He knew he needed to make up a lie. He put his hand on Nick's shoulder and leaned next to him to ask a question, only to be interrupted by a creaking door.

"Techno, Nick, your turn." The teacher called to them.

Better hope he has cut marks or somethin'.

He grabbed Nick out of his thoughts and dragged him towards the door.

The principal looked at Techno, at Nick, then back at Techno. He held up a bag with the bloodied paper towels. The principal wasn't really looking at Nick, more at Techno.

"Techno, what happened?" The principal questioned.

"Well, Nick here accidentally cut himself, and wanted to clean it up." Techno bumped Nick.

"Y-yes, I did accidentally cut myself." Nick went along with it giving Techno a glare.

"How did you accidentally cut yourself?"

"The edge of the paper towel dispenser is sharp, and my skin is kind of easy to cut."

Does he hit the end of the paper towel dispenser a lot? Techno nearly laughed out loud.

The principal looked disappointed, as if he wanted Techno to get in trouble again.

Dick. That was all Techno could think.

"You two can go. Thanks for telling me what happened, we'll fix the paper towel dispenser." The principal sighed and shooed them away, as if they were flies. Techno resisted the urge to flip the principal off. 

"Thanks...Mr. Principal?" Techno let out.

When they got out of the office, Nick lost his shit and started laughing. 

"You don't even know the principal's name? Don't you get sent there, like, every day?" Nick was gasping for air.

"Shut up. Don't make me beat your ass, nimrod." Techno replied.

They headed back to their classes.


Clay's in this class too, fuck.

He scanned the area for that dirty blonde bastard, but couldn't find him.

Where'd he go?

He didn't leave the school, did he?

Techno groaned, ran towards the exit, and left.

Such a long day.


thank you! <3


words: 812




語: 812

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