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» [nick's pov] «

Nick was stunned, confused, and terrified.

He had so many questions, like, "how is Techno alive?" and "why did Dream stab Techno?".

He was getting deeper into his thoughts, spiraling further and further down, until the bell went off.

Lunch! Perfect.

He needed to talk to Dream. 

 ⁎⁺˳✧༚ time skip ⁎⁺˳✧༚

He walked over to the table he normally sat at with everyone. He noticed new people, a blonde wearing a red and white t-shirt, a brunette with kind of long hair, a brunette with glasses and a pretty blonde girl. He scanned the area for Clay. He looked to his left, and—


"Hi, Clay!" Nick greeted.

"Hey." Clay grumbled.

Who drove a stick up his ass?? 

He noticed the new people staring at them. 

He no longer gave a fuck about Clay was thinking, he'd talk to him when he wasn't in a shit mood. 

go hard go hard sorry lil darkie slaps

oh, suggestion! listen to rap music by lil darkie when dream goes yandere mode, and for fluff listen to we fell in love in october by girl in red, trust me :)

(do not attack me because it says the n word its not me saying it ok?????? also for everybody who is mad at me for typing the f slur, don't worry because im in the lgbtq community)

thanks 😍 

"What are your names?" Nick asked, tilting his head.

He found out the blonde boy's name was Tommy, the blonde girl was Niki, the brunette with glasses was Wilbur and the brunette with long hair was Toby, but they liked to call him Tubbo.

So, it's mainly just brown haired white boys. (connoreatspants reference)

He'd noticed a couple things, one, Tommy was very loud. Two, they were like a little family. Finally, Wilbur and Niki looked much older. He looked back at Clay. Clay looked a bit angry, even after all this time. Clay ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair, his green eyes trained on Nick's brown eyes. Nick averted his eyes and looked throughout the cafeteria. He saw long, braided pink hair coming straight at him.

His instincts told him to run.

So he did.

He sprang up from the table, turned around, ran out of the doors, dodging all the teachers. He ran to the janitor's closet, opened the door, and shut it quietly in hopes Techno the psychopath didn't see him. He sat down on one side of the door, silent. He heard footsteps, slow at first, but they began to get faster, and faster, and louder. Nick cried silently inside, praying that Techno wouldn't find him.

A monotone voice cut through the silence. "Nick, you're fine. I'm not gonna do anything to you, I just wanna talk."

Should I believe him? Nah, he's probably trying to bullshit you into telling him stuff about Clay.

He tried to stay calm in a situation that scared the living fuck out of him. He panicked, and decided to believe Techno. He slowly opened the door, revealing the pink haired man.

"What is it, Techno?" Nick asked, a tone of annoyance in his voice.

"First off, why were you running from me? And secondly, don't take this wrong way, but I want to watch Clay." Techno cocked his head. 

"Well, I was running because you're intimidating, and you want to watch Clay?" Nick was beyond confused. 

my finger is bleeding so my typing skills r wack rn so if the story's grammar is already bad, its about to get worse

also, im admiring the blood. it looks kinda pretty

"Yeah. Also, the night I was stabbed, what happened?"

"I love George." The words seemed to barely escape Clay's mouth. George had a shocked look on his face. 

"I love you too, Dream," He paused for a second. "but you didn't need to stab Techno. That was too far— talk to me when you aren't insane." George got up, crying, shaking, and ran.

Nick tried to reason with George. It didn't work. 

"I mean, if he tried to kill Techno for you, he obviously loves you a lot—" Nick was cut off by a hyperventilating George.

"Shut up! M-maybe he's trying to fake impress me, then backstab me and tell the whole school and talk shit about me, and— look, he's the popular boy that every girl likes. He could pick anybody, and he picks me? Yeah, unlikely." George was choking on his tears. George turned away and ran out the door. This time, Nick didn't try to stop George. 

Nick slowly turned to Clay.

"I'm dead.", He thought. Clay looked like he was losing his mind— scratch that, whatever was left of it.

"He didn't mean that," Clay began. He seemed to have trouble with the choice of words he was using. "He didn't mean it. My George would never say that to me. Someone's brainwashed him." Clay looked up at Nick.

Nick felt chills throughout his body. 

"I'm gonna fucking die to this psychopath." he thought. He wanted to run, but his legs were frozen in place.

"Did you do this to my George?" Clay exploded. 

"No, Clay, I swear, I did nothing, I was the one who told George to ask you out, but he didn't—" Nick was cut off by Clay.

"I had it in control. I didn't need your help. You're gonna pay." Clay's voice was colder than ice.

That was all Nick needed to get his ass out of there. He got up, turned and ran as far as he could from Clay. He made sure not to go to his house, since Clay was probably there. 

"How about the floor next to George's house?" his brain asked himself.

So he went to the floor next to George's house.

Techno seemed amused by what happened. "Oh, I am so glad I wasn't on my last life." he grinned.

"Your last what, now?" Nick asked, even more confused.

"Never mind that, we gotta go find George!" Techno grabbed Nick's arm and sped through the halls, back to the cafeteria. Just when they got there, the teachers were waiting for the both of them. 

And, as if on cue, the bell rang.

"Mr. Blade, Mr. Armstrong, you two need to go to the principal's office." The teachers all said.



thank you so much!

i love u, and byee

words: 1051




語: 1051

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