chapter 2

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Warning contains flashback,med/hospital area,missgendering,almost usage of dead name,mentions of anaesthetic, the word slut,being concerned,mentions of beating someone up to a bloodied pulp,mentions of missing after birth.

If you can't handle or don't like any of these please don't read

Please let me know if I missed any triggers out. Thank you.

Remus' p.o.v

I eventually found roman, he was in the med Wing but not because he or someone else had hurt him, he was visiting a friend of ours.......well fater figure.....more so to roman as roman is the youngest out of everyone in this entire buildingleving me in seccong to youngest.

"Hey roro can I come in?" Roman nodded so I went in sand sat with him.

"What did they say?"

Roman then scribbles something on some paper

'Should be out by next week'

"He was supposed to be out today"

'Too much sleepy loopy stuff'

"Some professionals they are"

'He will wake up soon......right rere?'

I sigh.

"I honestly don't know the awncer to that question roro" roman looks down and holds his hand.

"I know you want him to wake up now but he can't. But you know he's always watching"

Roman dose the 'I guess' face

"How are your sessions with picani?"

'Not working'

Hmmmmmm.........I know

"How about we go to remus relaxing room and you can draw him a picture ok"

Roman nodded excitedly and we both leave the room after saying bye to the figure on the bed.

When we got to the relaxing room roman sat at s table and i went and got some paper and crayons. When I grabbed them I went back to roman and handed them to him, roman immediately started to draw a picture of the three of us. I smile at my little brother.

Sure were twins but im still older but I dont care. All I care about now is that he is safe form the evils that lurk outside this place, we know almost everyone here and there boundaries where as they rarely know us but the know there boundaries, let's hope that new kid learns his place.

"Can everyone report to there lesson 5. I repeat everyone to lesson 5"

"Come on roro, we can come back later ok?" Roman nods and grabs his picture leaving the rest of the paper and the crayons at the table.

"Wanna drop that off at our room?" Roman nods so we go to our room and roman puts the picture in a safe spot befoer coming back over to me and holding my hand.

"Do you need anything else?" Roman shakes his head and we go to our lesson which is

When we get to the room we know we are late but no one says anything so roman and I go over to our seats, since we can't have pens due to ink poison we use pencils instead.

"Ok class. Lets see.




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