chapter 84

22 6 18

Warning contains me tiosn if top surgery, mentions of bottom surgery, mentiosn of scars,mentiosn of pains when breathing,mentions of illegal surgery,mentions of missing out on a child's life,mentiosn of fostering children,mentiosn of stalking,mentiosn of staring,pregnancy, med bay,doctors,nurses, mentiosn of tests,me tiosn of bad mental heath days, mentiosn of insecuritys,talk about mental stability

If you can't handle don't like any of these please don't read.

Please let me know if I missed any triggers out.thank you

No one's p.o.v

Years later

Roman was now 27 years old and he was free from the sanders home for broken minds......well almost free, he did visit a couple of time for check up and to visit some other patients.

Remus,logan,patton and janus all got released a day before roman did.

Vikky and victor stopped visiting roman when he was in the facility, roman missed their visit but had a feeling he knew why they stopped visiting him.

This meant that he had no idea how robin and virgil are or if they are still alive or in the country, roman didn't even get to see his baby girl walk.

He still sent letters to them though, he always sent a birthday card and Christmas card to vikky,victor, virgil and robin.

"Shes going to be 10 (is that right please let me know, sorry I'm bad at maths) soon, I hope she's doing ok.

Roman walked to his little apartment,
When he got their he went to his very small room and changed into comfortable cloths, but as roman changed his shirt he looked at his scars.

Roman had gotten too surgery 3 years ago, he felt relieved that he dident have a big breath anymore, but he is still on a wating list for bottom surgery.

Roman sighed and put his shirt on, he then went to his kitchen where he made microwaveable macaroni and cheese, he then went to his living room and watched the Simpsons.

Roman dident pay much attention to the show though, no he was worrying about his child's safety, sure she was with virgil but he felt like something was wrong.

Roman shook off the feeling and put his attention on the show giving an occasional chuckle at some of the dumb shit that was happening on the screen.

Roman fell asleep with out realising.

The next morning when roman woke up he was what stuff he used yesterday,once the washing was done he went to get a little snack but when he opend his snack cupboard he saw that it was empty and so he looked in all his other cupboards,fridge and freezer only to realize that he had no food, so roman closed everything,went to his room and changed into a plain white shirt snd some blue pants and some red socks, he went went to his front door and put on his shoes and left his apartment.

When he got to the store he looked around to see what he could buy.

When he went to the pasta aisle he saw a little girl and whay he assumed what her father.

The girl had silky chestnut brown hair,cute round face with little chubby cheeks,a cute button nose,freckles under her eyes, her eyes were a beautiful blue with little speckles if green in them, she was wearing a bred dress,white tights,black slip on shoes, her hair was down she had a little ribbon his her hair and she was quite tan

While the man with her had black hair green eyes,dark bags under his eyes,he looked very pail, he wore a navy shirt that was partially hidden by his black hoodie,he wore dark blue skinny ripped jeans, some nice black and blue trainers and he was quite tall......he looked very fermilla almost too fermilla.

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