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Hinata's POV.
"Hinata!" Hinata looked up from his studies at his mother who was standing in the door of the kitchen, holding a fresh pie in her gloved hands.

"Would you mind going and getting more Fire Pelts? We're all out of them." She said, rustling around, making dinner for both of her children, as well as finishing the desert.

"Sure!" Hinata answered, standing and brushing soot from his clothes, he had been practicing summoning the spell Crow Fire and was no heavily covered in it.

"Don't leave soot on the floor!" His mother scolded lightly, hitting him softly atop his head with a wooden spoon making Hinata wince.

"Sorry, Okasaan!" He said, shrugging his jacket on and clipping his satchel to his side, he kissed her goodbye and sprinted out the door, running down the path to the village.
As he was running, a horrible sense of dread began to creep up on him. He paused, looking around at the oddly silent woods.

That was, until two loud voices screamed.

"Get him!" Hinata squealed as he felt two bodies slam into him, making him fall onto the dirt.

"G-get off!!" Hinata yelled, his anger and fear glaring up, who were these people?!

Fire began to spark in his palms and Phoenix wings sprouting from his back as he broke away from his attackers.

They were dressed in black cloaks, with crow feathers at the neck with large wings that quickly spread out as they took flight, flying after the frightened Hinata who flew faster, trying to locate his house, but it was hard due to the darkness of night that had began to cloak the land.

As he looked back, one of his attackers had vanished.

'Did they not give chase?' Hinata thought, but was proved wrong a second later when the second attacker slammed into his side, knocking him down and out of the sky.

Hinata gave a shriek of fear as he plummeted, his wings becoming nearly no use as the wind whipped to fast, tearing the flames to pieces.

The one who was floated, quickly joined by the one who was giving chase to Hinata, thrust out his hands, they began to glow blue and the light leaked out quickly to create a massive crow that screeched before swooping down and grabbing Hinata in it's large cage-like claws.

"H-hey!" Hinata yelled, glaring at the two people who appeared next to the crows feet, murmuring to each other quietly.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Hinata cried, making one of them, Hinata could see a tuft of gray-brown hair poking out of the hood as he leaned forward and gently touched Hinata's cheek, a scratch from Hinata falling had been caused by stray fire, and sighed like a worried mother would to her child.

"I'm sorry, Hinata." He said softly, his tone gentle. "The King ordered us to fetch you." He said, looking to his partner, nodding to the Crow.

The other, slightly taller, man nodded and jumped up, landing skillfully on the crows back.

"I really do wish that I could just take you home and let you be free." He whispered, retrieving a small bottle with blue liquid inside before holding it up to Hinata's lips, forcing him to drink.

"N-no!" Hinata squeaked, trying to look away, but the man was persistent, he pressed the bottle to Hinata's lips and tilted it upwards, effectively getting the majority of the potion into Hinata's mouth.

"Don't worry. This won't hurt you. Just sleep for now, everything will be explained in the morning." Hinata whimpered, coughing slightly as he felt his limbs start to grow heavy.

'Okasaan... I'm sorry...'

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