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The sound of chains clanking softly woke Hinata. His eyes cracked open, but everything was dark.

"Is he awake yet?" A hissing voiced asked, easily laced in annoyance and possibly anger.

Hinata moaned softly as he felt his body being picked up slowly, gently shaken awake as the soft voice from one of the men who had captured him gently murmured out.

"Hinata? Are you awake?" He asked, a hand gently brushing away stray hairs of orange as Hinata's eyes slowly began to focus.

The man kneeling before him smiled a little, sighing in relief as he gently helped Hinata lean up against the wall.

"W-where am I?" Hinata mumbled, his mind feeling muddled as the man before him gave a soft sigh.

"I'm not allowed to tell you," he whispered, taking his hands away from Hinata's face and fishing a small black bottle and a paint brush from a pouch at his side.

"The King ordered you to be captured and taken to him." He whispered, dipping the paint brush into the ink.

"You have to look like us in order for him to see you." He said, gently cupping Hinata's cheek and pressing the tip of the cold brush to Hinata's cheek, making two dots press just under Hinata's eyes before he brought the brush to Hinata's lips, painting the upper one black while a single stripe in the middle came to the lower lip.

"Don't lick it!" The man scolded as Hinata opened his mouth, but he was quick to close it at the mans' words until he had finished his work.

"My name is Sugawara," Sugawra said softly when he had finished, setting the ink aside.

"I'll be your Hand Maid until you are paired with a king." He said, gently pulling Hinata up from the straw floor, murmuring soft words as Hianta stumbled.

"P-paired with a King?" Hinata asked as soon as he had steadied himself, staring up at Sugawara in surprise.

"I-I can't be paired with a king!" He cried, breaking away from Sugawara even though he stumbled.

"Wait! You're not fully healed-" Sugawara started, but quickly went quiet when Hinata sent out a flurry of flames, panic and desperation clear in his eyes.

"Don't touch me!" He cried as he turned, immediately running as fast as he could from the dungeons, passing other people who yelled, attempting to stop him.

But Hinata was not going let that happen. No, he had to get home to his mother! He wasn't just about to let himself be married to some arrogant King!

He hissed in pain as he skidded up a flight of stairs, his muscles screaming at him to stop as he forced his body to press on.

He continued to run until he reached the top of the stairs where he tripped, flying through the air for a moment before landing hard at someone's feet, someone tall.

"Oh? And who is this?"

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