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Once Upon A Time...

There was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know.

Or we think we know.

One day they found themselves in a place where all their happy endings were stolen.

Our world.

This is how it happend...

* * *

Prince David road as fast as he could to Snow White on his noble steed. All he knew was that it was a race against time itself. Speeding into the forest, he stopped to a halt and quickly jumped off the horse with his red cape following behind. He approached the group of dwarves surrounding the glass coffin.

"You're too late." Said the eldest one. His eyes were puffy and red behind his glasses from crying.

The prince moved to the side showing a girl with raven colored hair and a long white dress in a deep sleep. There was no more hope.

"No. No!" He yelled running over to her. "Open it."

"I'm sorry, she's gone." A dwarf with a medium black beard whimpered slightly.

"At least let me say goodbye." He begged, tears forming in his eyes.

The group of small men obeyed and let him be with his one true love for the last time. Carefully, a few of them lift the lid and set it aside. He kneeled down and kissed her soft frozen lips. A wave of air spread around them as soon as they touched. And when he stood up, the girl took a deep breath of air and awoke from her long slumber.

"You. You found me." She said, caressing his cheek.

"Did you ever doubt I would?" He asked, smiling.

"Truthfully," The raven haired woman began as her love helped her up, "the glass coffin gave me a pause."

"Well you never have to worry. I will always find you." The prince said.

"Do you promise?"

* * *

"I do."

The bishop then turned Snow White. "And do you Snow White, promise to take this man to be your husband and love him for all eternity?"

"I do." She answered.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The crowd started clapping and cheering as they were about to kiss, but was interrupted by the door opening loudly revealing a woman dressed in black.

"Sorry I'm late." The woman said, walking towards the newlywed couple.

Everyone stood in fear for that... witch was almost as evil as they came. Everyone except for three. Snow, Charming, and one very special little child. Two guards tried to block the couple's path but were thrown aside by her evil magic.

"It's the queen, run!" One of the dwarves shouted.

"She's not a queen anymore!" The bride pulled out a sword from Prince Charming's sheath. "She's nothing more than an evil witch."

"No, no, no. Don't stoop to her level. There's no need." Charming assured, lowering the sword. "You've already lost, and I will not let you ruin this wedding."

"Oh I haven't come here to ruin anything. On the contrary dear, I've come to give you a gift." The evil woman grinned in a way that matched her intentions.

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