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Years Ago...

"I want to go this time." Eria whined as Snow White prepared for another robbing of one of the Queen's carriages.

"No." She said flatly, "It's too dangerous."

"But I can help! I have magic!"

"I don't want you to feel like you have to use it for me." Snow argued, "I should be the one to protect you. Listen to me, it's going to be fine. Just like the other times, I'll be safe and be back by sundown. I promise."

Eria huffed, but eventually decided against pestering her anymore. "Okay. You better be."

"I will. Don't you worry. Just imagine, in a few days time, we're able to go far away from her, from everyone. And it'll just be you and me. In a quaint little home, wherever we choose."

"Okay, I like that." Eria smiled.

"Okay." Snow whispered slightly, leaving the little girl in their tree stump of a home.

* * *

Years Later...

"Wait, you're saying that he might be Prince Charming?"

Mary Margaret had taken the class on a field trip to volunteer at the hospital and visit with the patients there to help brighten up their day. Which I absolutely loved the idea of, making other people smile was one of my favorite things to do. In fact, I stayed up all night helping Mary Margaret make cards for them along with a few banners and such. But instead of getting to help set them  up, Henry dragged me away to see one of the patients who was closed off from the rest. His reason? That he might've been Prince Charming himself. But as soon as I saw his face, particularly his scar, I felt as if I had seen him before.

"Yep, you see it now don't you?" He asked, looking down at the asleep man.

"I- yes, actually." I nodded, leaning forward as Henry did the same. I stopped once I started getting too close, but he held his finger forward as if he were about to touch him. "-Henry!"

"-Henry?" Mary Margaret thankfully walked in before anything else could happen. "Y/n, we could really use your help with the decorations."

"Is Mr. Doe going to be okay, Mar- Ms. Blanchard?" I asked her, avoiding the name I would call her outside of school. She made it clear many times that I was to call her by her last name in front of other students, so they wouldn't start copying me.

His name's not John Doe, honey." She calmly corrected, "That's just what they call people when they don't know who they are."

Do you know who he is?" Henry asked.

She shook her head. "Nope. I just bring him flowers on my rounds."

"What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know." Mary Margaret said, "He's been like this as long as I've been volunteering."

"Does he have any family or friends?" I questioned.

"No one's claimed him."

So, he's all alone." Henry stated depressingly.

"Yeah... It's quite sad." She agreed.

Henry glanced down at the man. "You sure you don't know him?"

"Course I'm sure." Mary Margaret laughed sadly, "Come on. You shouldn't be in here."

With her leading us out, we each took a quick look back at him. I leaned over towards Henry and whispered to him. "Tell Emma." He nodded his head along as we walked to a set of cards I made on a table.

* * *

Years Ago...

It was now close to getting dark, and the sun had been setting for a while now. Eria was not only upset that Snow broke her promise, but she was also worried as well. For she was never late coming back home. In fact, she was always quite early. So for that reason, Eria tried her best to stay awake and not fall asleep out of boredom as she continued to wait for her. And as she felt herself nodding off once again, the comforting voice of Snow White brought her back.

"I'm sorry I'm late, there was a slight complication." She apologized, stepping into the small space.

Eria was relived that her best friend was okay, but was still angry nonetheless. "Sorry?"

"Oh Eria, please forgive me." She begged, "I promise you that I tried my best to come back as quick as I could." But instead of responding, the little girl pulled a slight temper tantrum and turned around from her. "Don't do that."

"Hmn." She hummed.

Sighing, she sat on the bed that the two would share and pulled something out of her pocket. "I got you something. Turns out the carriage I robbed wasn't the Queen's."

The idea of getting a gift peaked Eria's interest, and she moved slightly so she could see what Snow had in her hand. A small, F/c, gem laid in her palm. Carefully, she handed it to the girl. "My favorite color."

"I figured we can get some string and turn it into a necklace of sorts." Snow said.

Eria's frown slowly turned into a grin. "Yes, I love it! Thank you."

"Does this mean you forgive me?" Snow White asked.

"I'll think about it."

* * *

Years Later...

After Henry had talked to Emma about her comatose father who was also Mary Margaret's soulmate, Emma had discussed with her a plan about waking him up. She was going to read to him, and hopefully, hearing their story would somehow do something to him. Henry, and I were waiting at a booth at granny's while preparing for Mary Margaret to give us a full report the next day.

"Thanks for the shirt, Henry." Emma said as she walked towards our booth, "Hey, is this your mother's?"

"She'll never notice." Henry replied.

"Where does she think you are anyway?" She asked, sitting by her son.

"Playing whack-a-mole with Y/n." He said.

"And she bought that?"

"She wants to believe it so she does." I told her.

"Oh, imagine that." Emma said sarcastically as the both of us nodded. The door to the diner's bell rang, causing us all to watch as Mary Margaret walked through and towards us.

"She's here!" Henry exclaimed.

"Hey," Emma said, "don't get your hopes up. We're just getting started, okay?"

"Too late." I smiled.

We both exchanged smiles as she sat by me, but her face immediately turned serious when looking at Emma. "He woke up."

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