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Years Ago...

After the two helped themselves on to their feet, the prince wasted no time in trying to start the journey for his stolen jewels.

"Now then, shall we get going?"

There was nothing more Eria wanted to do than to join in on the adventure. She rarely went out due to the queen searching for her, and when she did leave the tree stump it was to either eat or to go to a market place.

This was something completely different, and she was hoping to go along. But, of course, Snow didn't allow it. She couldn't risk Eria getting hurt or taken. So like always, she was forced to stay back.

However, this time Eria was eager to go. And she wouldn't let a thing, not even Snow, stop her. That's how she ended up following her and Charming from afar as they walked the path of the forest, secretly listening in on their conversation.

"I thought you weren't the jewelry type. What's that around your neck?" The prince asked her.

"Don't worry about it." She replied.

That didn't seem to be enough, as he quickly snatched it off of her neck. They stopped walking, and Eria hid behind a tree.

"Careful! It's a weapon." She warned, trying to take it badk. He moved it away from her.

"Dust? What kind of weapon is dust?" He questioned.

No, not just dust. Eria thought. It was much more valuable than that and had a greater purpose.

"Fairy dust."

"I thought that was a good thing."

"When it comes from a good fairy." Snow said, still trying to take it. "This stuff? Is deadly. It transforms the most fearsome of adversaries into a form that's easily squashed."

"Then why didn't you use it on me?" Charming asked with a cocky grin.

"Because you're not worth it." She explained, as he chuckled and put it into his pocket. They continued walking and so did Eria. "It's very hard to come by. I'm saving it for a special someone."

"Ah, the Queen. You got a lot of anger there, don't you, Snow?"

"The charges on her posters are lies. Including how I 'kidnapped' Eria. It didn't stop her from sending her huntsman to rip out my heart." She said.

"What happened?" Prince Charming asked.

"Well, not everyone is a soulless royal." They stood for a moment, and so did Eria. "He took pity on me and let me go. I've been hiding in the forest with Eria ever since. Trying to amass enough fortune to leave this place. Escape to another realm with her. Somewhere isolated. Where we can never be hurt."

"Sounds lonely." He retorted.

"I have a young child to keep me company." Snow only mildly joked. "And no lonelier than an arranged marriage."

The prince took offense. "At least I don't prey on the innocent."

"Up until now, I've only ever stolen from the Queen." She said back, "I thought your carriage was one of hers. No one else ever uses that road."

"I took the scenic route." He told her.

"Well, lucky for me. All I'm doing, Charming, is what it takes to survive. She wants me dead, and Eria back into her evil clutches."

"So, what did you do to incur that much wrath?" Charming asked.

"She blames me for ruining her life." She told him.

"Did you?"

"Yes." Snow said honestly as she continued walking.

"And what about the girl?" He said, asking another question. "What about her? Why does she want her so bad?"

"Why don't you ask me yourself?" Eria said, deciding to make her presence known

"Eria!" Snow scolded.

"Snow." She greeted before turning to Charming, "She wanted something to love, I think. Something that wasn't her. But she doesn't know how. Not really."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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