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I groaned as I was woken up by Mary Margaret. "Y/n, Y/n wake up."

"Why? What time is it?" I asked, knowing exactly what she was going to say.

She was going to say that Henry was gone and Regina didn't know where he was. Earlier that day He had told me all about finding the savior.

"Henry's gone missing," she told me, "do you know anything about this?"

"Nope, and even if I did I wouldn't tell you." I said, laying back down.

"Y/n," Mary Margaret began, not believing an ounce of what I said.

"What?" I asked sitting up again.

"Are you lying to me?"

"No..." She looked at me skeptically. "Fine. But I'm not telling you everything. All you need to know is that he's safe and he'll be back soon." I reassured as I turned around on my bed and closed my eyes. "Now I'm going back to bed. Goodnight." Before falling asleep I smirked a bit. Everything was going according to plan.

* * *

I was worried for Henry. He didn't show up for school that day which made me slightly nervous so I couldn't fully focus on Mary Margaret while she was teaching us how to make a birdhouse. She calmed my nerves but only slightly, when she said he had probably just stayed home sick.

"As we build our birdhouses remember, what you're making is a home, not a cage." Mary Margaret said to us, holding a blue bird in her hands. "The bird is free and will do what it will. This is for them, not us. They're loyal creatures." Walking over to the window, she let it go onto the one she made. "If you love them and they love you, they will always find you." The bell for lunch began to ring. "We'll pick this up after recess, no running." I had decided to stay with her for lunch since my best friend wouldn't be here today.

"Why thank you." Mary Margaret smiled at one of my classmates after she gave her a pear.

"Better than apples aren't they?" I asked. She began to chuckle, but soon stopped once she saw Regina walk through the crowd of students to us.

"Ms.Mills, what are you doing here?" She questioned.

"Where's my son?" Regina asked her harshly.

"I knew something wasn't right." I said under my breath.

"Henry? I assumed he was home sick with you." Mary Margaret replied.

"You think I'd be here if he was? Did you give him your credit card so he could find her?" I gulp, knowing full well it wasn't her, but was me.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" She looked over at a blond woman with a red leather jacket.

"I'm his... I'm his..."

The savior!

"The woman who gave him up for adoption." Regina said for her.

"You don't know anything about this, do you?" The blond asked. She then looked over at me suspiciously. I avoided my gaze with her.

"No, unfortunately not." She looked through her wallet and turned towards me realizing what had happened. "I should have never given them that book." She whispered so I couldn't hear it, but I did.

"What in the hell is this book I keep hearing about?" Regina raised her voice.

"Just some old stories I gave them, Y/n can you step out of the room for a minute?" Mary Margaret asked me.

I nodded, but before I could go Regina kneeled so she could look me directly in the eyes. "Y/n, do you know where Henry is?" She questioned calmly.

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