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Addison stands by the nurse's station outside Meredith's room, checking on her before she leaves for the day. She watched the four interns inside talk and laugh together, eating snacks and talking about how Izzie drilled a hole in some guy's skull. Meredith catches her eyes briefly, smiles at her, and goes back to talking with Izzie, George, and Cristina. Addison smiles softly and leaves Meredith to spend time with her friends. She makes it to the first floor lobby when a voice stops her.


Addison looks up from the ground and sees Derek face to face with her. He's wearing some pants with a thermal shirt tucked in, and he has his jacket hanging from his arm.


Derek looks over her shoulder. "Is Meredith okay?"

Addison nods. "Thank you, for what you did earlier. I wouldn't have gotten her out in time without you."

Derek shrugs. "It was all you."

They stand in silence, Addison shifting her eyes to the ground again.

"Were you about to leave?" Addison asks.

"Yeah. You?"

"Yes. I should be getting back to New York soon anyway."

Derek nods. "Well, thank you. For saving Meredith. I know it couldn't have been easy, considering..." he trails off.

Addison shakes her head. "I'm a doctor. I took an oath. I wouldn't let my personal life affect that."

"No, I know."

Addison looks into Derek's eyes, searching for an ulterior motive. But all she saw was honesty and... sadness.

"Aren't you going to see Meredith?"

"I went up there a while ago, she was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her," he shrugs.

Addison hums.

"Well, I should get back to my hotel and get some sleep before my flight."

Addison's heart twists. She really, really didn't want to leave. She considered not saying goodbye to Meredith again-- she already did it once, and the second time wouldn't make it any less painful. It felt wrong after she and Meredith kissed. Did the kiss even mean anything?

Addison sighs softly.

"I hope you and Meredith are happy together. I know I hurt you, but all I ever wanted was for you to be happy."

She turns to walk away, but Derek puts his hand on Addison's shoulder. "Wait, actually... we aren't together anymore."

Addison's eyes go wide.

"She broke up with me, after you finished the case. She came to my trailer to end it."

Addison is shocked.

"Oh. I-- I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I knew she was going to find out sometime."

It was wrong of her, but Addison feels... excited? Happy? She couldn't put a word to it.

" live in a trailer?" she tries to shift the conversation.

Derek rolls his eyes light heartedly.

"It's cozy," is what he says, as if it's an explanation.

Derek and Addison laughed together for the first time in a long time. Addison missed it. Derek wasn't just her (now ex) husband. He was her best friend, the person who made her laugh on a stressful day.

it was a great love (one for the ages) / DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now