Oh, Shoot.

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A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update. I know it's only been like, a week, but still. I've been really focused on my other book I'm writing. Hope you enjoy this chapter, though :)

Izzie held tightly onto Cristina's arm as they slowly walked through the deserted OR hallway.

"It's creepy quiet down here," Cristina whispered.

"You think?" Izzie remarked sarcastically, earning a small smack on her arm. "You think he's down here?"

"He's not down here," Cristina reassured, though she didn't quite believe herself either.

"Oh, God. He's down here. He's down here. He's gonna come out. He's gonna shoot us."

"Will you shut up?" Cristina grabbed Izzie's shoulders. "You are freaking me out. And I don't have time to be freaking out. We need to get Teddy back up to Derek."

A door creaked open, sending the two interns down to the floor.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot!" Izzie screamed.

"You are not supposed to be walking around," Jackson scolded.

"Damn it, Avery," Cristina seethed.

"Is that your blood? Are you okay?"

"No, no, no, I'm fine. Um, go get Altman."

Jackson furrowed his eyebrows. "Uh, Altman's not down here."

"What do you mean, Altman isn't down here?"

"She left."

"They left?" Cristina said in her normal voice. "Okay, you know what? Someone just shot Derek. He's got a GSW to the chest, and he needs surgery right now. He needs surgeons right now."

Cristina looked at Jackson with hopeful eyes. "Please tell me there is an attending on this floor."

Jackson paused. "Izzie, in the OR behind me, there are two OR nurses and an anesthesiologist Get 'em. Tell them to set up for a cardiac procedure."

Izzie shook her head. "Wha- why? If we don't have a surgeon, what are we going to do? We're interns, we need a surgeon!"

"I'm going to operate on him," Cristina said in a low voice.

Izzie's eyes widened. "What? Are you crazy?"

"Iz, I'm the best option right now. I've been studying under Teddy, I know these procedures."

"But you haven't done them."

"Izzie, we don't have time. Get the staff from the OR behind us. Avery and I will get some more supplies."

Izzie hesitated before running off. Jackson and Cristina walked into OR 2 and gathered a cart full of medical supplies. Everyone met back up in the hallway in less than ten minutes and began their way back to Derek.


Addison walked quietly, though the hallway was so quiet that she could hear every squeak and thump of her shoes on the ground. She thought about ditching the shoes altogether, but she would probably rather risk being heard by the shooter than walk bare feet on the floor of a hospital. She came across a patient's room and saw at least five sets of scared faces looking through the window blinds. She raised her hands, holding her badge in one hand to show that she was a doctor. Someone in the room stood up and walked to the door. Rose stuck her head out.

"Dr. Montgomery, you shouldn't be out there right now."

"Rose, it's Derek. He was shot, he's asking for you."

it was a great love (one for the ages) / DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now