"That went well."

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A/N- Hey! Happy Valentine's day... I hope this sweet chapter makes up for my absence. Thank you for understanding that I needed some time off from writing. I'm not sure when the next chapters will be up, but I have some things planned for it. But you might hate me for it, so don't thank me now. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Addison wakes up, noticing she was having trouble breathing. She looks down and immediately figures out why. Meredith was cuddled up, her head resting on top of Addison's chest while her legs were wrapped around Addison's. Like a koala. Addison chuckles quietly, not disturbing the blonde.

Addison never thought she'd be in this position. Almost three months ago, she was called to Seattle for one surgery, where she also confronted her then-husband and his mistress. Fast forward, she has a permanent contract with Seattle Grace Hospital, she's divorced, and dating her husband's ex-girlfriend. Sure, it was a little messed up, but Addison felt happy, and that's good enough for her.

Derek was still unaware of Meredith and Addison's relationship, and it made Addison feel guilty. She had a few short conversations with Meredith about it, but they kept putting it off. It wasn't like she could casually bring up, "Hey, remember the girl you were screwing while we were separated? Well, I'm dating her now," into a conversation, but that didn't mean it wasn't hard for either of the women to not blurt it out whenever they talked to Derek.

Meredith makes a small noise, pulling Addison away from her thoughts. Addison smiles.

"Hey, sleeping beauty."

Meredith looks up and tightens her arms around Addison's torso.
"Good morning."

Addison melts at Meredith's raspy morning voice.
"We need to head in soon," Addison looks over at the clock.

Meredith drops her head. "Nooo, five more minutes."

Addison strokes Meredith's hair. "We're going to be late. I don't want you to get in trouble with Bailey."

"She's your friend, can't you make her let it slide?"

Addison laughs.
"Sorry, bubs. Come on, up up up."
She pulls Meredith to her feet before wrapping her in a hug.

"Bubs" was a pet name Addison had for Meredith. "Because 'babe' is too overused," Meredith retorted while they were talking about pet names. So after an unnecessarily long conversation, Meredith was "bubs" and Addison was "darling". Simple, but affectionate.

Fifteen minutes later, they are running out the door. Meredith bumps her head while climbing in the car, an audible thump being heard. Addison lets out a small laugh, feeling bad when Meredith pouts and rubs her head. Addison apologizes and peppers her face with kisses.

Halfway to the hospital, Addison breaks the comfortable silence.
"Do you think we should tell Derek?"
Meredith tears her gaze away from the window.
Addison nods.
"I mean, only if you're comfortable. I just-- I mean, it's been three months. He deserves to know."
Meredith takes this into consideration for a couple minutes.
"Yeah, you're right. I just don't know how he'll react. I mean, we work with him. What if he hates us?"
Addison takes her right hand off the steering wheel and puts it on top of Meredith's hand.
"Mer, you don't know that he'll hate us. I know we all have history, and it'll be awkward for a while, but then he'll get over it. We'll be fine," she reassures.
Meredith nods.
"Thanks, darling."
"Of course."


It's almost the end of their shift when Meredith and Addison make a plan to meet with Derek in the stairwell. It was the only time they could all meet, due to Derek and Meredith both being preoccupied with a patient for most of the day.
Addison focuses on her breathing, pacing around. Her footsteps echo in the long stairwell. A door opens, revealing Meredith and Derek behind it.

'So, what did you need to-- Addison? What are you doing here too?" Derek's eyebrows rose.
Meredith clears her throat, glancing at Addison.
"We, uhm... We need to talk... about... something."
Derek chuckles.
"Well, I got that part when you asked me to meet you here. What is it?"
Meredith stays silent, glancing at Addison again. Addison seems to get the message.
"Well, there's something you need to know," Addison speaks. "And you might not like it."
Derek looks back and forth between Meredith and Addison.
Addison inhales slowly.
"Meredith and I have been seeing each other."

A silence fills the room-- er, stairwell. Derek is staring at Addison like she grew a second head, meanwhile Meredith seems to be looking at anything but the other two people. Addison picks at the skin around her thumbnail.

"Romantically," Addison clarifies, then internally cringes at herself.
Derek nods slowly.
"Yes, I... understood. Is-- is that all?"
Meredith looks up.
"Uh, yeah. That's all," she speaks for the first time.
Derek's shoulders sag.
"Okay, I thought you were going to say something bad," he chuckles.
Addison is dumbfounded.
"That's all? You're not mad?"
Derek shakes his head.
"No, why would I be mad? I mean, we're divorced, and we're not dating anymore," he gestures between the two women. "So... I mean, I am a little shocked, but yeah, I'm okay with it."
Addison laughs, relieved. Derek pulls Meredith in for a hug, then Addison.
He smiles widely.
"I'm happy for you two."
"Thank you," Meredith speaks softly, making eye contact with Addison.

"Well, I have to go finish up some paperwork for a patient, I'll see you both tomorrow," Derek turns to leave.
"Wait, do you want me to do it? She was my patient, too," Meredith stops him.
"No, no, don't worry about it. I can handle it, go home and get some rest. You did really well in the OR today."
Meredith nods, grinning.
"Thank you. Goodnight, Dr. Shepherd."
"Goodnight, Dr. Grey, Dr. Montgomery."
"Goodnight," Addison nods.
Derek leaves, the door closing behind him. Meredith pulls Addison into a kiss.

"That went well."
"What did I tell you?" Addison smirks, kissing her again.
"Okay, smartass. Let's go home."
They walk hand-in-hand up one flight of stairs, only letting go when the door opens into the patients' floor. They share a quick glance before going off to their respective locker rooms.

it was a great love (one for the ages) / DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now