All of me, loves all of you.

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Almost 7.5k reads <3333333 I love you all so fucking much thank you for thinking my stupid little story was worth your time<3

omg short adorable story from the Author: so my I was in class with my boyfriend and his friend and my boyfriend was being really weird and he bent over to grab a penny then his friend asked "what do you see in that one" pointing to my boyfriend and I laughed and said "so much" but he didn't hear me and some girl sitting next to us did and she was like "awwwww that's so cute did you hear?" And my boyfriend said no so she told him and I started blushing really badly.

Also I tried to tazer him to see if he'd react and I poked his thigh :| XD


Your POV:

The video finally uploaded and I let Mark watch it. He laughed a lot during it and I felt extremely proud of myself. His fans also enjoyed it, but most of them were too busy asking if we were dating. "Wow the fans really like you! You should make videos more often." Mark said while scrolling through the comments of the video. "I dunno maybe." I mumbled awkwardly. It was fun but what if people didn't like me or they though I was ugly or something?
"Hey are you okay?" Mark asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh yeah, just thinking."
"About what?"
I didn't respond for a while so Mark stood up and grabbed my head. He held it firmly with his muscular hands and half-sang "What's going on in that beautiful mind?" I giggled and pulled out of his grasp. He quickly grabbed onto my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes. "Tell me."
"Noooo" I cried out dramatically. "You'll never catch me alive, copper!" I managed to wiggle my way free of his grasp and sprinted to the bathroom. I closed the door and locked myself in. "Let me in!" Mark yelled banging on the door. "Never!" I screamed and leaned against the door just in case he managed to unlock it. He rammed his body into the door a couple of times and I got kind of worried he was actually going to break the door down. He stopped hitting the door for a few moments and I got worried again. "Mark?" I called out. Nothing. I waited a couple of minutes and then called out again. After a couple more minutes I was about to unlock the door when a paper slid under the door. I bent over and picked it up, quickly seeing it was Mark's handwriting.

I love you, and I hate to do this, but if you don't open the door by the time I count to 10, Tiny Box Tim gets it.

As soon as I finished reading I heard Mark say "One." Very clearly outside the door. "No!" I yelled dramatically and hit the door. "Don't hurt your little biscuit!"
"He is so young and has so much to live for!"
"What will your fans think?"
"What about Tiny Box Tina?"
"Mark!" I yelled and punched the door, which kind of hurt my hand.
My heart started to pound faster and I glanced at the door knob, contemplating my pros and cons.
I started to get nervous, and I reached for the handle slowly.
"Nine..." Mark said slowly, dragging it out. I clenched my fist tightly around the door knob, and twisted it for half a second, but then quickly remembered the situation. Mark had a stuffed box and was threatening to hurt it. Feeling stupid, I released my grip and and laughed quietly to myself. Mark waited much longer to say 10 than I thought he would, probably waiting for me to leave the room.
"Nine and a half..." Mark said. I knew he wanted me to give in, but I wouldn't let him win this time.
"Nine and three quarters...."
Another slight pause.
"Nine and four fifths..."
"Just do it already I'm not opening the door." I said with sass. I guess the way i said it worried Mark because he got closer to the door and spoke calmly.
"(Y/n), are you okay?" I didn't answer.
"(Y/n), please I'm worried about you. I won't judge you or get mad or anything, please I just don't want you to be sad."
I sighed and reached for the door knob, but stopped before touching it.
"Please." Mark mumbled, his voice was so sincere it hurt and I could just tell by how he sounded that he really was worried about me. I unlocked the door which made a small but distinguished click. I lacked the emotional strength to open the door, so I simply stepped backwards knowing Mark would burst in as soon as he heard the door unlock. Confirming my prediction, within about a half of a millisecond Mark burst the door open and hugged me.

After our hug, Mark once again looked me in the eyes asking what was wrong. I almost started to tell him but I realized how big of a deal I made about a stupid little concern and quickly my sadness got stronger. "Hm?" Mark said pushing his question at me. "I'm just kind of worried your fans won't like me or they'll think I'm ugly or I'll start getting hate or something." Mark opened his mouth to comfort me but I cut him off. "I'm sorry I made such a huge deal about it. Hiding in the bathroom and all, I shouldn't act like that."
"No (Y/n) you're fine don't worry. I understand how you feel. The fans are overwhelming and the hate is inevitable. I don't understand why anyone could hate on you though, you are gorgeous and so kind. The only people who will hate on you are troll little 6 year olds and people who are jealous of you. Also, don't be sorry about freaking out. Everyone has emotions and its normal. I'm sure this is a scary situation and it takes a lot of courage to admit that, so I'm proud of you that you did." Mark leaned in and hugged me again, but tighter this time. I inhaled his sweet smell that I knew so well by now and exhaled it as a sigh. "Thank you. You're always there for me and sometimes you're just so nice it hurts." Mark suddenly held me tighter, to a point where it kind of hurt. Then he started to lift me up and I knew what he was doing. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he supported my legs. "To spaaacceeee!" He cheered out then carried me away.

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