Icecream cones

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(E/c) = eye color
(H/c) = hair color

Mark's POV

My heart was still pounding and the incident replayed within my head. This young girl was crying and running when she ran straight in front of the car. I bolted forwards and grabbed her and dragged her away from danger as quickly as I could. I looked back down at her sobbing onto my chest. She was getting my shirt wet with her tears. I wrapped my arms gently and hesitantly around her and patted her back. "Don't worry." I muttered sympathetically. She looked back up at me with her eyes all puffy and swollen. Within her eyes I could see all of the pain she had endured within the few hours of the day. "Come on let's go sit down somewhere." I said taking a small step away from the young girl.

As we began walking I noticed she was trying her hardest to cease her cries. "What's your name, if you don't mind me asking." I said, noticing she seemed to have recomposed herself. "I-i'm (y/n)." She mumbled. "It's very nice to meet you, (y/n). I am Mark." We continued walking awkwardly for a bit, when I decided to break the silence again. "Why were you crying?" I asked trying to sound polite. (Y/n) stopped suddenly and looked at me again. Her eyes got glossy and they started to water again. "I almost just got hit by a car!" She exclaimed with tears rolling down her face. Oh crap I messed up I thought to myself. I opened my arms and hugged her once again letting her cry. "I, um I meant why you were crying before that." She pushed me away and looked back down at the ground. "I don't want to talk about it." We both began walking again. I stopped walking and looked straight at (y/n). "Well, I know just what will help cheer you up." I exclaimed.

Your POV

The man, Mark, as he called himself, opened the door to the ice cream shop for me like a gentleman. I walked in and he followed behind me. "So, er..." He thought for a moment. "Oh! (Y/n)! He exclaimed suddenly remembering your name. "So.. What do you want (y/n)?" I looked at the menu above the cashiers then back at Mark. "Oh.. It's not necessary. You don't need to spend money on me." I politely declined his offer. "I insist, and I won't take no for an answer. What flavor do you want?" I sighed and looked back at the menu, searching for something cheap. "Umm I'll take a scoop of (favorite flavor of ice cream)"

After receiving our ice creams, Mark and I continued walking around. "So.." He began awkwardly. "How are you doing?" I asked trying to start a conversation. "I'm doing well." Mark smiled at me. He opened his mouth to ask something, but stopped himself. I licked at the ice cream at the perfect pace. Fast enough so it doesn't melt all over me but slow enough to not get constant brain freezes. Emphasis on constant. After a few licks I stopped walking and squinted my entire face in. "Are you okay?" Mark asked concerned. "Brain freeze..." I giggled in pain. He laughed along and we waited for it to subside.

Mark's POV

She was so adorable as she squinted her face in pain. I really enjoyed spending time with her. She looked up at me and her (e/c) eyes reflected the sun perfectly at me. I couldn't help but smile at her beauty. What was I thinking? She is so much younger than I am. "Hey, how old are you?" I asked her after we finished our ice cream. "15." She said quietly. Damn. That's 10 years younger than I am, and I am NOT a pedophile. "Do you need to go home?" I asked realizing how young she really was. "No..." She said quickly. "Won't your parents be wor-"
"No!" She yelled at me. I looked straight at her as a thin (h/c) strand of hair fell onto her face. She used her tiny hand to push it back in pace and calmed herself down. "It's just... I don't want to go back." I looked at her with concern and she told me the whole story.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled after hearing it. She just nodded silently trying her hardest not to break down. I didn't want her to go back there. Her story only included her father, but I feel like there's more to her family. There's something deeper she isn't telling. "You can stay with me for a little bit if you need" I offered. I wanted to make sure she was safe.

Your POV

I accepted his offer hesitantly, but for some reason I trusted this strange man. You are told from when you are young to never talk to strangers let alone follow them home but I felt the urge to do exactly that. I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to spend more time with him. There was something about him that I just couldn't put my finger on, and I was determined to find out.

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